New yarn arrived this week! Seeing the skeins of colors makes me excited about starting the next project. I am preparing to weave another transparency. This time, the hanging will have a pictorial design. But there are several things to tend to before the weaving begins. First, I will wind the skeins into balls, and wind the linen warp. And then, I will finalize the cartoon. Stay tuned…

Meanwhile, this week I am at the Contemporary Handweavers of Texas Biennial Conference, learning new things and making connections with handweavers across the state.
Happy Weaving,
Beautiful colors! I can’t wait to see what you make of them.
Hi Beth, The colors are always better in full skeins than on the sample cards. I’m looking forward to putting these beautiful colors to work!
All the best,
I also get excited when a new order of threads arrives!
Hi Marilyn, I know! Opening the box is like Christmas!
Happy weaving,
All that color to play with, enjoy! Looking forward to seeing what your transparency will be. Love it.
Yes, Martha, I feel like a kid with a new box of crayons!