I may not be a math or science expert, but I’m pretty smart, and can figure most things out. If I get stumped, I keep trying until I find the answer — usually.

I tried, but just could not understand the instructions for sleying the reed for this Rosepath Band. I did my best, but the start of the weaving revealed I didn’t get it right. When I examined the threads that were bunching up, I saw my error. Aha! The once confusing instructions now made perfect sense! In life, when we don’t understand the instructions, or can’t make sense of why things happen, our impulse is to question the instruction-giver.
I removed those first few inches of weaving, untied, re-sleyed correctly, re-tied, and then began weaving again. Beautiful! Once I got a fresh perspective of the instructions, everything fell into place. We have the false notion that the instruction-giver for the universe is like us, when he’s so much greater. His instructions are written with love, through a perspective that’s far above our humanity. And the results are beautiful!
May you enjoy instructions that make perfect sense — most of the time.
Still learning,
Such a good reminder that sometimes I just need to step back and reframe my perspective….
Sometimes we’re just too close to what’s happening to be able to see a heavenly perspective. You’re right, Wende, it helps to stop and take a step back to get a larger view.
Some very interesting thoughts. And yes, it helps to step back. and put on a “new pair of glasses.”
I agree, Elisabeth, a clear perspective often comes when we choose to put on a “new pair of glasses.”
Karen, thanks so much for sharing your lovely close-up photos, which are so clear and show the intricate pattern of the bands. Looks like you have a nice big loom suitable for weaving lots of things. What kind of loom is it?
And I love your blog site! Looks like a website. How did you start it? Gerry
Gerry, Thanks for stopping by! I did this weaving on my 47-inch Glimåkra Standard Countermarch loom. In addition to this main loom, I may have one or two more looms…
I’m fortunate to have a high tech son who helped me get started with the site. This is a WordPress site, though, so much of it I could set up myself once my son showed me some of the ropes.
And when you take the time to look, without blame or shame, and get it right? As Goethe said, ‘a correct answer, is like an affectionate kiss’.” ☺️
It’s always good to take time to look, isn’t it?