This old loom has been taken apart and put back together with all new horizontal pieces. Not a refurbishing, per se, but a new edition of a vintage model. My genius husband has refashioned an old 36-inch Glimåkra Ideal loom, down to 27 inches. It is still an old a vintage loom, but Swedish looms are built to last; and this little pieced-together handiwork will surely outlast me.

We humans have a lifespan, and at some point we start falling apart little by little. An ache here, a memory lapse there, and before you know it, we see the end of the warp coming over the back beam. How will we retain our value when we are all used up and worn out?
Our worth originates in the hands of the one who made us, not in our usefulness and ability. Our master weaver will never set us aside or abandon us when we finally become threadbare. In fact, he goes out of his way to notice those who are forgotten by everyone else. You will always be a special someone to your maker.
May you carry your years with elegance and grace.
Lovely vintage loom and words to match! Amen to “May we carry our years with elegance and grace.”
Thanks be to God that He “is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.” (2 Cor 9:8) Without Him, we are nothing.
God’s rich blessings to you, Karen!
Beautifully said Karen. What a beautiful thought to start my day… xx