Have you thought of using the camera on your phone to help you recall details in your weaving design? I want the simplest way to remember this narrow blue and honey border stripe at the beginning of the towel so I can weave it exactly the same when I get to the other end. What better way than to take a detail snapshot with my iPhone? It’s handy, descriptive, and quick. There are some things that are best remembered with pictures.

When our heavenly king walked the earth, he was a living picture of heavenly goodness. Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. These threads of royalty stood out in humanity because of the contrast next to common threads of envy, selfishness, and prideful boasting. Considering this living snapshot of true royalty, we, too, can wear the clothes that are fit for a king (or queen)! Better than capturing a design element with our iPhones, is capturing the design for our lives from the heart of our grand weaver.
May you remember the details that matter.
What an awesome analogy, Karen! He IS the master Weaver, is He not?! I’m going to remember that as I work on my weaving! Thank you so much for your blog–I’m a new follower, and I appreciate all of your tips and advice.
Hi Suzie,
I’m delighted that you choose to come and “visit” my virtual weaving studio. Everything is more fun when you have friends along!
Very Happy Weaving to you,
What a great idea! I always forget something, and a picture is a very easy way to remember. Happy weaving, Karen
Hi Leigh,
You know I love gadgets, and that’s what the iPhone is. Taking a picture is the lazy way; I did it because I didn’t want to go to the trouble of writing it down. Besides, sometimes when I write it down, by the time I’m at the other end of the weaving I can’t remember what I meant by my instructions.
That would be wonderful Karen! My Matt is like your Steve… handy in the shop! I am sure he can build me one. I am so intrigued by the warping trapeze system as it really looks like it makes beaming ( by yourself) so much easier and faster. Have you seen Laura Fry’s you tube video? That is the first place I actually saw one being used. Let em know when your next warp is ready! I am headed to WA for a family reunion this coming weekend but I will be home Monday. Have a blessed day!
It will be a lot of fun to do it together, Gretchen. I’ll let you know. I may be a week or two. (Yes, I’ve seen Laura Fry’s video. It’s helpful. Maybe we should make our own video?)
HI Karen… I left you a reply to our warping trapeze conversation but I did something not quite right and it is not posted in the right place and is listed as an anonymous comment. Sorry! It is me!!!