Mistakes Are Not The End

Five towels down, three to go. Or maybe only two to go. Because of my initial threading error, I had to start over. Now, I am not positive if there is enough warp left for three more towels. (Remember the threading error? I wrote about it HERE.) Mistakes cost us. If the warp runs short before the weaving is done, I will have to blame it on my own mistake.

Cotton three-shaft twill with warp floats. Handtowel, Karen Isenhower
Thin black lines separate rows of color to give this cotton towel a stained glass effect. The thin red line will be the cutting line between towels.

Errors have consequences. Even when the mistake can be fixed, we regret the mistake. “I should’ve-would’ve-could’ve” kind of thinking. The good thing about weaving is, you can usually fix your way out of a mistake. And I can make something out of a smaller woven piece at the end. When someone you love makes a mistake, surely you offer kind help and patient assistance to lead them to a workable solution.

What if you were on the receiving end of that kind of loving attention? Good news. You are on the receiving end of kindness and patience. You do have someone treating you like that. Our creator is rich in kindness and patience toward us, even when we keep making mistakes. Even when we think we may have wasted too much of the warp, he lets us start again and get the best out of what remains.

May seeds of kindness and patience be planted into your life.

With kind regards,

3 thoughts on “Mistakes Are Not The End

  1. Our God is so very gracious and kind, slow to anger, abounding in love. And your towels are going to be beautiful!!!

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