One more little tapestry loom? I signed up for Rebecca Mezoff’s Weaving Tapestry on Little Looms online class, and ordered a Hokett loom to go with it. This petite 7″ x 8″ loom is made by Jim Hokett, who uses exotic woods for the looms. Mine is made of bubinga and chechen woods. Very pretty and nice to the touch! This is a 6-dent loom, and I have warped it double, to have 12 ends per inch.

In this course, I am practicing some basic small loom tapestry techniques. Rebecca has a very organized, clear teaching style, so it’s a joy to learn from her. As I practice, I am reviewing things I have learned previously; and I am picking up great tips that are new to me. And, for once, lo and behold, I am weaving tapestry from the front!
May your new year start with learning something new.
Happy Year End,
I almost bought one of those little hokett looms once for sampling. They are so cute. What would you do with such a little tapestry? I can’t wait to see.
Have a wonderful New Year.
Hi Leigh, The little Hokett looms would be great for sampling for larger tapestries. I don’t have a specific end in mind. Sometimes I mount the small tapestry and put it in a frame. Most of the time, though, it’s an exercise for my fingers and my mind. I’m not at the point where I’m making masterpieces yet.
I followed Rebecca and her time spent in the Petrified Forest. I love her work and would one day like to take a class from her. The online class sounds like a great way to begin. I’m looking forward to seeing your progress.
Beth, I follow Rebecca on Instagram. Her small tapestries from the Petrified Forest were very interesting. After seeing other students’ work on IG, I decided to go for it myself!
I have put that class on my personal wish list. I got a Lost Pond hand-held loom for Christmas and I’ve never done tapestry. I will be visiting the person who gave it to me next summer; it would be nice to show her I’m using it! 🙂
On that same trip I’m taking Basics at Vavstuga!!! :happy dance:
Hi Betsy, Rebecca shows a Lost Pond loom in her class. It looks like a good frame loom! Vavstuga Basics!! WooHoo! You’ll love it.
Happy Weaving!
Also just bought a Hockett loom – in red zebra wood !! Same size as yours.
Just experimenting with the loom now with traditional tapestry techniques and soumak which I really enjoy, Soumak stitches provide a 3 demensional accent or frame to the other stitches.
Currently working with cotton perle but want to try silk.
Planning to make a small flat purse for frequently used credit cards for my purse. I may add a braided necklace and wear it as a piece of textile jewelry.
Louise, I love the wood. There is something special about holding wood in your hands that makes the tapestry work that much more interesting and special.
I have done a little bit of soumak on this loom, too. It’s something I’d like to explore some more.
I’d love to see what you’re making! The purse and textile jewelry sound fascinating!
Happy weaving,
What size is this loom and where can I order it?
Hi Anne, This is a Hokett tapestry frame, about 7″ x 8″. I don’t think they are still being made. I don’t have mine anymore.