Every year my weaving journey is peppered with notable highlights. Here are seven such highlights from 2020: 1. Siblings Tapestry, complete and hanging in our living room. 2. Joanne Hall (my weaving mentor and friend) visited our home in February (while in Texas for her Swedish Art Weaves workshop). 3. New 8-shaft Glimakra Julia countermarch loom. 4. My favorite fabric of the year, Jämtlandsdräll in 6/2 Tuna, woven on the brand-new Julia. 5. Rag rugs woven on the drawloom. 6. Studio tour on Zoom for the San Antonio Handweaver’s Guild In November. 7. Handwoven Christmas tree skirt with Nativity appliqué from handwoven remnants.

2021 is beginning with the start of a new pictorial tapestry, an empty loom waiting for a new warp, and a drawloom warp that is near its finish line. Plus, two other looms that are mid-project. I am not expecting any dull moments around here. Thank you for joining me in this ongoing adventure.

Unroll the cloth beam with me and go back through time to recall the Warped for Good projects of 2020:
God completes what he begins. My prayer for you is that his finishing work will secure any loose ends.
May you see how far you’ve come.
Happy New Year, friends,
Lovely video.
Thanks, Shari!
Hope your new year is off to a good start.
What a productive year! All of your work amazes me.
Happy New Year, Karen!
Hi Beth, Going through the pictures helped me realize I accomplished more last year than I thought I did. One step at a time, and all those steps add up. Thanks!
Happy New Year!
Love your comment about God finishing what he begins. Have a fruitful New Year.
Hi Judy, When God completed creation, He rested. When Christ completed His mission here, he said “It is finished.” God is not finished with you or me yet, but until then, we have confidence that he will continue the work until it’s complete.
Blessed New Year!
All of your creations are amazing and beautiful! Your tree skirt is simply wonderful! Many blessings to you in the new year!
Hi Kevin, Thank you for such a heartwarming greeting. A lot of meaning and memories are woven and stitched into that tree skirt. Thank you for recognizing the intangible value.
Blessings to you and yours for the new year,
Beautiful…your creativity makes me smile and you inspire this beginning weaver.
Hi Ellen, If I can inspire a beginning weaver in some way, I am happy! You make me smile. 🙂
Thank you,
Beautiful weaving and faith!
Hi Linda, Thank you for joining in with me in weaving and in faith.
Blessings in the new year,
Hands down my favorite 2020 piece is your tapestry. All of your work inspires me, but the tapestry pulls my heart strings. Happy New Year!
Hi Martha, The Siblings tapestry is in a category all its own. I see it every day and it pulls my heart strings, too! Weaving it was an incredible experience.
All the Best for you in the New Year!
How does your drawing stay fixed under the warp? It is just lovely. I love all the work you do!
Hi Karen, I like your great question! Two things hold the cartoon (the drawing) under the warp. 1. I have a warping slat that goes under the warp. It hangs from the beater on each side with seine twine with a rubber band at the end of the twine. The paper cartoon lays over that slat under the warp. The rubber bands allow me to pull the slat out of the way when I use the beater. 2. I use quilter clips on each side of the tapestry to hold the paper to the part of the tapestry that has been woven. I mark the cartoon and warp ends at certain spots with a Sharpie so I can get the cartoon and warp lined up precisely each time I advance the warp.
Thank you,
Amazing 2020 portfolio.
I am wondering if you have any advice on getting a firm weave using polyester knit on a rug. Rosepath pattern.
The throw rugs are holding up. But the weave seems loose.
Is that just the nature of weaving with knit rags?
PS. Have not figured out how to post on Blogspot since losing internet with the move. Everything has to go through the cell phone at this point.
Hi Nannette, The thing that makes the most difference in getting a firm weave for rag rugs is the warp tension. The type of weft makes some difference, but probably not that much. I would say to tighten your warp as much as your loom will allow. The sett can also make a difference, as well as the thickness of the rag weft. If your weft is very thick, you might try using 2 narrow strips instead of one thick one, so it will pack in better.
Even if the weave is not as tight as you’d hoped, I’m sure they will still be fine rugs. The fact that you are making them elevates them to being special!
Happy New Year,
Thanks for sharing your loves: love for weaving, fiber, and most of all your faith.
I received three boxes of the Julia I ordered just before Christmas. I unpacked some but the main box is still unpacked as Christmas is still going on here. Plus, I need to rearrange for its placement.
Looking forward to experiencing the weave on Julia. Thanks for your encouragement.
Blessings to you and yours, Linda
Jesus IS the reason for the season, EVERY season!
Hi Linda, How exciting! You have something to look forward to with your new Julia. Regarding faith, I’m glad to be on common ground with you.
Have a purpose-filled New Year!
Karen, Thank you for your wonderful video and your beautiful photography. Calm and uplifting. It brings me such joy and peace to watch.
Hi Barbara, I am so happy that you enjoy the video. I re-lived a lot of good memories putting it together. Having joy and peace is a wonderful way to start the new year.
Happy weaving,
I am blown away by the number of projects you finished this past year! Particularly because each one was so unique. You have a great gift, Karen.
Thank you for all the inspiration.
Hi Annie, That’s interesting that you point out that each project is unique. It’s a fact that I do thrive on variety, and my creative process includes finding new ways to make things. Thank you for your kind encouragement!
What a nice video! Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!!!
Hi Linda, I’m so glad you liked the video. It was fun to put together.
Happy New Year,
Lovely video. The music sounds like the weaving…. love it!
Hi Carolyn, I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
Wow! You finished many wonderful woven works last year. To become more productive, I’m trying to implement your system of prioritizing finishing, then warping, then weaving. I regularly learn from your blog, because you are an expert in so many aspects of weaving. Thank you for sharing your work and expertise with us.
Hi Karen, I’m happy you have found things I write helpful. We’re on this journey together. Much of the time, I’m learning as I go. I’m glad to have someone learning with me!
Happy weaving,
What a beautiful array of finished projects! And in just one year 🙂
Happy New Year!
Hi Elisabeth, Thank you so much! It surprised me to see how much came off my looms in the past year.
Happy New Year to you and yours!