The 2021 cloth is cut from the loom. Let’s unroll the year to see how it looks. I see cherished moments. Treasured memories. New friendships. Family relationships enjoyed. Mistakes made. A few heartbreaks. Sorrow and rejoicing are intertwined at times. Besides the finished fabric, there are a few odd remnants worth keeping in my heart. And, like most thrums, there are some things I am not going to hold on to.

Three weaving highlights: 1. Eye of the Beholder—tapestry of my mom. The Lord used the making and finishing of this woven portrait to reiterate His nearness when I needed it most. 2. Siblings, tapestry from the previous year, earned the HGA (Handweavers Guild of America) Award at the Contemporary Handweavers of Texas Conference last summer. 3. The yellow huckaback three-tiered skirt, Tiers of Joy, ought to earn an achievement award. However, the real reward is a genuine sense of accomplishment through perseverance.

Know when to let go. 2022 is a new warp on the loom. Some things from last year don’t belong. We have a fresh start with no room for complaints. Threads on the loom are rich with hope, ready for the intersection of thoughtful wonder and exploration. Look for results of tangible beauty.
Please enjoy looking back at the weaving journey of 2021 with me. I’m grateful to have you here, and look forward to more good times together!
The three highlights: Process Review: Eye of the Beholder, Siblings Tapestry and Process Video, Process Review: Tiers of Joy!
May you know what to hold, and what to let go.
Happy New Warp (Year),
You’ve been productive! Beautiful work, as always.
Happy New Year, Karen!
Hi Beth, Thanks for sticking with me. It’s so good to have you here!
Happy New Year!
Karen, thank you for your always thoughtful posts! I look forward to them. Your weaving echoes mine: bringing God’s beauty into the world through our joyful presence in front of these amazing tools we have been given! Thank you!
Hi Marilynn, There is so much for us to continually be thankful for! And I am thankful for your gracious words.
In Him,
The portrait if your mother is so amazing!! Happy New Year!
Hi Maria, Thank you for checking in!
Happy New Year!
Remarkable work last year.
Looking back every now and then does give a perspective of what is possible.
Blessings for the new year.
Thank you, Nannette,
You are one of the blessings to me.
Everything you’ve woven is beautiful, thank you for sharing. Happy New Year. may we all have a better year.
Hi Goldie, Thank you so much! I hope you do have a wonderful year.
Happy New Year!