Steve and I just returned from visiting our son, daughter-in-law, and our adorable three-year-old granddaughter in The Philippines. So, I was away from my floor looms for a couple weeks! But thanks to my husband, I have a miniature tapestry loom that works perfectly for travel. About the size of an iPad, it is small enough that I can weave on the go, even on an airplane.

Why not take along knitting, crochet, or tatting, you ask? I agree, that would be sensible; but I am a weaver, and I would rather weave.

Your creator has a meaningful role for you that is perfectly suited for your skills. Wouldn’t it be silly for me to try to use this frame loom to swing at a tennis ball, or strum it like a guitar? Steve made this loom specifically for me to weave small tapestries. This simple frame works beautifully for that purpose, giving credit to its maker. When we find that satisfying role that allows us to practice using our gifts to their best advantage, it reflects well on our maker.
May you find a way to do what you do best.
From my home to yours,
What a marvelous travel loom design! Thank you for posting about it. I will share this with my husband to see we can come up with. I especially love your statement about the purpose of your loom.
(I found your blog through Pinterest, where this loom showed up under tapestry weaving.)
Hi Angie,
I’m so glad you stopped by! I hope you have success in making a loom that works for you.
Happy Weaving!
Hi Karen
Love your loom. I had seen something similar a while ago. Could you please let me know how you spaced the nails so precisely? And at what spacing from each other.? And where would I get similar nails?
Hi Kantu,
My husband’s engineering mindset makes precision a must. First, he lightly penciled the wood for the placement of the nails. Then, he used an awl to poke a hole at each spot. Then, he pre-drilled the holes with his drill press. And then, he tapped in the nails, trying to get them a precisely consistent height.
I honestly don’t remember the spacing between the nails. I think I was trying to get a 10 epi sett, and making two offset rows was my attempt at that. If I were to do it again, I think I would do one row of nails, and double the warps to make a denser sett.
You can get the small brass nails at a home improvement store, like Lowe’s or The Home Depot.
Thanks for asking!
Great loom design!
Thank you!
Hi Karen.
Just wonderful, this little loom. I am restarting tapestry weaving and I thought I’d try a tapestry journal … but so much empty warp, for a month, a year, seems too much. I was thinking little mini tapestries every day, perfecting techniques until I had them pat.
I’m off to see what I have in my leftover lumber bin.
Thanks to you and Steve
Hi Ainz, That’s wonderful! Sounds like you are going to have a delightful time getting back into tapestry weaving.
Happy weaving,
Fantastic. What a great little loom. Love the brass nails.
Hi Pauline, I’m glad you like it!
I found you while looking for tapestry looms. I’m 60 years old and just getting into weaving. I have been sewing off and on for 40 years, it’s time for something new. I love to make things for gifts and I do have a small craft business. I’ve done alterations since 2009 and taught sewing to girls age 6 to 63 🙂 I love this little loom. I have my first lap loom coming soon and hopefully a larger one to do pillow covers. Thanks for the inspiration. Would your wonderful husband share how he made this little loom? I believe I could get my wonderful husband to make me one. It is amazing how the Master Creator gave each of us a gift to use for His glory. God bless.
Hi Lou Ann, I like hearing how you been using your gifts for many years! Sewing and weaving are highly compatible skills. I will ask my husband for details and get back to you.
God’s blessings,
Are you going to sell these looms? I love it! Would buy one from you.
Hi Christina, I’m glad you like the little tapestry loom! I don’t have any to sell. has a small tapestry loom that I like. Maybe that would be an option for you.
All the best,
please how you fix the design back of the warping of the loom?
Hi Dimitra, I use a thin wood slat (stick) to hold the design behind the warp. The wood slat is wider than the frame of the loom and goes from one side of the frame to the other, under the warp and holds the paper pattern in place.