The next eight-and-a-half weeks may be the most exciting and challenging weeks I have ever known as a mom. My daughter is getting married! How quickly things change. One day your daughter is in a nice relationship; the next day she’s engaged. We already have the dress, the venue, the date, and the photographer. Oh, and the groom worth waiting for! And that’s no small answer to prayer.

Our grand weaver is light. There is absolutely no darkness in him at all. Bright, brilliant, and radiant. That light illumines every step, every decision. The motion of the vibrant rya strands ends in an abrupt line as the weaving moves on to the flat surface of the back fabric of the pillow. The once-hidden intricate pattern behind the rya knots is now in full view, in full light. (For more about that hidden background weft, click HERE.) The source for strength and endurance has already been set into place. Now, it’s time to fearlessly live it out.
May you find light on your path.
Your friend,
What a joy to see His hand in this engagement! Thank You, thank You, thank You Jesus! I absolutely love that , “Our grand weaver is light.” May the light shine brightly on each and every moment of this wedding.
What a lovely blessing – “May the light shine brightly on each and every moment of this wedding.” Since they are planning an outdoor ceremony, it gives this blessing double meaning!