There is no room for timidity at the loom. It takes courage to dismantle a loom that has a tapestry on it. Dismantling and reassembling a loom doesn’t scare me. But taking a loom apart in the middle of a cherished project? That’s another question altogether. The hardest part was the waiting in between. You can imagine my mix of emotions through the tapestry transition—up, down, and every which way! And then, the moment of truth…Finally…When the warp is evenly tensioned, and the butterfly wefts make their first pass through. The lizard has been awakened. Hallelujah!
This slideshow video takes you through the steps of taking the loom down…And putting it up again.
Weaving continues now as if there had been no interruption.

May you see the rewards of your courage.
Happy Weaving,
That is a great slide show. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the tapestry. Joanne
Hi Joanne, There’s one more foot on the lizard, and after that it’s all background. I’m eager to see the whole thing rolled out, too.
I so admire your weaving, patience, and organizational skills. Can’t wait to see more!
Hi Beth, I enjoy the structures of the weaving process, so organizing things seems to fit right along with that.
Thank you!
Cute expression on the face of the lizard. Remarkable to accomplish with yarn.
Hi Nannette, It never ceases to amaze me what yarn can do! I like his expression, too. It surprised me a little bit.
All the best,
I agree with Beth’s comments above and also want to add “courage”….
I don’t think I would have been brave enough to take the entire loom apart. I would have been renting a biiiiggg truck and would have found every friend of our sons possible to load the entire loom into the truck!!
Well done, you!
Hi Karen, I might have done that, too, if it were an option. Getting the loom down the stairs and out of the house would have been the biggest problem. Haha.
Sometimes a person gets courageous when there is no other option. Cutting off the partial tapestry didn’t seem like an option.
All the best,
Courage was your husband taking apart and putting back the loom! God blessed you with a loving, wonderful man! Love that the lizard went right back where he was wanted! Enjoyed your video!
Hi Rachel, You are right about my husband, for sure! Besides being a big help, he’s my encourager. Makes courage possible.