The kneeling wise man in Steve’s hand-carved Nativity reminds me of the heart posture that speaks louder than words. Bowing in humility, we bring our gifts to honor the King of kings. Little did we expect the King to come as an infant, to grow up among his subjects, to give his life for us.

How shall we end this year, and begin the next? With humble hearts, grateful for each new day—for each thread of grace woven in our lives by the Grand Weaver’s strong and gentle hands.

May you end this year with gratitude.
Beautiful reminder of Grace and of how all we do is a gift from the Father! Thank you for this joyful message! God Bless you in all you do, this year! 🙂
Good morning, Joyce, We have much to be thankful for.
In his grace,
Your background piece is beautiful. I love the carved Nativity as well. And of course your message was just right . Bowing to the King.
Hi Judy, Thank you. We all need reminders that bring us to the central message of Christmas.
In grace,
I just finished reading the first 14 verses in Ephesians. I’m going through the Book of Ephesians with my college age students beginning Sunday. I encouraged them this past Sunday to not dwell on the things of this world, but to look at the “immeasurable blessings in Christ.” Then I open my e-mail and there you are encouraging us in the same. This is my theme for 2021. Thank you for being bold and sharing these on your blog. God Bless in all you do in the coming year.
Hi Lou Ann, Your students are fortunate to have you. Our perspective makes all the difference. May we never cease to be grateful.
Thank you,
What beautiful heirlooms you have both created for your family.
Hi Janet, Thank you so much! It’s a pleasant thought to consider that we are making treasures that will hold meaning long after we’re gone.
Both you and your husband are so amazingly talented. Generations to come will cherish your creativity.
Also a thank you to Lou Ann for her post. I am going to revisit Ephesians and adopt her perspective for the coming year.
Karen, your thoughts on faith are always inspiring..
Hi Annie, You will find fascinating mysteries unfolded in the letter to the Ephesians.
Steve and I are fortunate that we both enjoy making things and developing our creative skills.
Many thanks,
How beautiful and spiritual.
The celebration of the Christ child’s birth blesses us with a chance for new beginnings.
Happy New Year Karen.
Hi Nannette, I like the way you worded it – a chance for new beginnings. Yes.
Happy New year,
Thank you for sharing the beauty of Christ with us!
I feel this has been a year where I have been given the opportunity to ask myself if Jesus is truly present in my life.
Do I see and side with those in need? Are my views getting in the way? What are my comforting words and prayers worth if I don’t do anything beyond that? Is it of value to make a donation for a good cause if I don’t let the people I’m “supporting” into my life…as friends, neighbors, church members, coworkers…family?
May I be a better person going forward!
Hi Elisabeth, You are asking yourself some really good questions! Thanks for sharing your thought process. Ask Jesus to be present in your life. Then, the main part is up to him.