First thing every morning I pour myself a really good cup of coffee. And before I pour that cup, I select a mug rug to put under my coffee mug. A handmade mug rug makes a good cup of coffee that much better. I like having a mug rug under my cup as I walk, to catch any drips. And then, the mug rug protects the table surface, as well. So, in the early morning, with hot coffee and mug rug in hand, I go sit in my favorite chair to read, think, and pray. And I sip my coffee, thankful for a new day.

I have made, acquired, and given away too many mug rugs to count. Here are a few favorites that I keep within daily reach.

May your handiwork show up as embellishments for daily living.
Good morning,
Mug rugs, good idea. Also, really like to have some quick projects on one of my loom. Blessings
Hi Linda, I like having quick and simple projects on one of my looms, too. It’s often a good place to let a guest try some weaving.
Watercolor. Nice to see. What pen did you use on the drawing?
Last week was kitchen duty for VBS, helping at the county fair and grandchildren. This week I am happily remembering and catching up on the garden to prep for next year. A mug rug is a great idea that needs to be pursued for those quiet moments.
I did enter a few rag rugs in the county fair. Knit scraps from worn out sweats. Noted by the judge was the looseness of the weave. Rosepath warp. The rag cut to 1.5″ wide. It made a smushy, cushy rug. Very welcome in winter when the hardwood floor cools down. I pulled as hard as I could when I beat the rags in. She thought it would not wear well.
Should I have cut the rags narrower? Is it just the nature of weaving with sweatshirt rags? At this point a third of my weaving/quilting rags are knits., so knowing what I can do to improve is something to pursue.
On the other hand… the other two knit rag rugs entered in the county fair were judged by a different person who did not see the ‘looseness’ as a problem.
May God bless you and your pursuit of weaving, good coffee and living in the moment.
Hi Nannette, I used a Lamy Safari fountain pen for the sketch.
As far as rag rugs go, I have not woven with any knit materials, but I do cut my fabric strips about 3/4 inch. I know that seems thin, but I’ve been told the thinner strips will pack in better and wear better over the long run. Also, I keep my warp tension very tight – another factor that helps pack the weft in a bit tighter.
I’m sure your rugs are lovely and will last a very long time.
Thanks for your input,