My son accepted my invitation to “try a little bit of weaving” while he was here for a recent visit. After a few instructions, Daniel was weaving the double binding rag rug like a pro. When his two little ones find him at the loom, they climb up to sit by him. They want to get a closer look. The children don’t understand what Daddy is doing, but they love being with him and watching him.

As children naturally love to be right next to their loving Daddy, so it is for us with our heavenly Father. Praise is the heart’s song. Praise to the Lord rises from the core of our being as we consider who he is and what he has done. There’s no better place to be than right by our Father’s side.
May your heart sing.
With wonder,
Oh this is so precious! Brings back my memories of having my little guys sit on my loom bench with me. They loved playing with my boat shuttles as if they were cars! Thanks for bringing back a sweet memory today. Sharing our love of fiber with our family and now little grand babies is a treasure isn’t it! Have a beautiful week creating more fiber yumminess!
My kids saw me weaving on rigid heddle and inkle looms when they were small, but I didn’t have my first floor loom until they were long gone from home. It’s fun to introduce them, as adults, to this weaving process.
Happy weaving,
This rug is going to be one of your most attractive, I am thinking. Yes, weaving gets challenging!
Fran, I’m making this rug for our home, so I do have high hopes for it.
Beautiful family, beautiful weaving. I come from a family of makers. Many is the time my Dad would make me holly-hock dolls or willow whistles. I would watch in fascination. Grandpa was a cabinet maker, my Grandmas and my my Mom seamstress, and all fresh from the garden canning experts. They hunted for game, mushrooms, nuts. I know where the Dutchman britches grow. My ex-husband called us hunter gatherers. These skills and many more have been passed down to younger generations. Everything we do has a little secret to tell us. What a wonderful legacy to give to our children and our children’s children.
Hi Pam,
Oh, you have such wonderful family stories to pass down! A family of makers passes down more than the treasured things they make. “Everything we do has a little secret to tell us.” –Yes, this is a gift that continues after the maker is gone.
You have helped me feel very thankful today as I reminisce about my own rich heritage.
Blessings to you,