Tried and True: Prevent Weaving Mistakes with Two Secret Weapons

As much as I am enthralled with what I am doing at the loom, my concentration ability wanes. It is in those waning moments that errors happen. Also, as you know, I have looms in my home, which means I can weave well into the evening in my pajamas, if I want to. But, I better not exceed my limits, or else…

Combination drawloom. Towels for gifts.
Seven pattern shafts are being used for the border “windows.” The center area uses single units to make the design that includes numerals and letters.

Weaving on the drawloom demands my undivided attention, as does pictorial tapestry and any intricate pattern weave. All of these are especially tedious to undo. Therefore, mistakes are outlawed! To that end, I have two secret weapons that prevent all most mistakes—

Combination drawloom for weaving towels.
Same towel, same weft, same time of day as previous picture. A change of viewing angle highlights the rust in the brown-rust 16/1 linen weft. I notice things like this when I get up and take a break.

Five-Minute Breaks

Twenty-Five Minutes On – Five Minutes Off

25 Minutes. Go full strength. Be completely absorbed in the task.
5 Minutes. Take a break. Stand up, walk around, stretch.
(I use an app on my phone, Focus Time Activity Tracker, but any timer will do.)

The Cinderella Hour

Know When to Stop

If I am weaving at the end of the day (in my pajamas, or not), I stop when the clock chimes 8 times. I call it my Cinderella hour. My loom turns into a pumpkin after 8:00 pm. If I keep weaving, I can expect to be fixing errors the next day.

Weaving in the evening in my pj's. Monksbelt.
Weaving monksbelt in the evening (in my pajamas). Oh listen, I hear the clock chiming… Time to put the shuttles down.

May you know when to take a break.

Happy Restful Weaving,

4 thoughts on “Tried and True: Prevent Weaving Mistakes with Two Secret Weapons

  1. Great tips! I also take breaks at 30 min. intervals. Another trick I use is to wind one bobbin at a time. Then I’m forced to get up and move when another needs to be wound.

    Merry Christmas, Karen!

  2. Great ideas Karen and Beth.

    I’ve been using sudoku puzzles as a gage to decide if it is a good time to work on detailed projects. Last week I neglected to check and had to unravel 2 attempts at the start of a children’s sweater. Moebus is an interesting mathematical shape. Not in ribbing.

    The next time I’m at the loom I will set a timer.

    This month is speeding by. I’m going to get a jump on next week and wish all a merry Christmas. Maybe extra 5 minute breaks in the busy-ness to soak up the joy of the season.

    1. Hi Nannette, Five-minute breaks in the busy-ness of the season sounds like a very good idea! It’s a shame if we run right past the joyful part.


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