End of Warp Surprise

The end of the warp is a fantastic way to try out ideas for future weaving projects. I have some kid mohair/silk yarn on my shelf in blue, lavender, and tan. I wove some pretty shawls with this angelic yarn a few years ago on my rigid heddle loom. Hmm… would kid mohair/silk work as weft on the alpaca warp? This is a good way to learn. If it works, I know I can do it again, but on a larger scale. If it doesn’t work, I know what to avoid. The point is to learn.

Kid mohair/silk weft on alpaca warp.

Lavender mohair/silk weft on alpaca warp.

Alpaca warp and kid mohair/silk weft for a dreamy scarf.

As handweavers, we learn by doing. And in daily life, we learn by doing–walking in this manner or that. We do not walk alone. The Lord stands ready to teach every inquiring soul. My prayer is, “Lord, teach me; help me understand; help me walk.” Sometimes what we learn surprises us. The trial weft may be even better than the one we originally planned.

May you enjoy lifelong learning.


5 thoughts on “End of Warp Surprise

  1. Hi Karen,
    This is a very beautuful way to use mohair-silk as weft. Just wondering what the sett is for this pattern and where you found the draft?
    I have some kid mohair-silk yarn that is intended as knitting yarn but I would prefer to use it in weaving – I have a poncho in mind- and I am looking for a suitable draft that I could use or adapt.
    Thank you for sharing this very lovely project, it is most inspiring.
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Chris, The kid mohair-silk is dreamy yarn. I used a draft from “The Big Book of Weaving,” by Laila Lundell, p. 116. The warp was 3-ply alpaca yarn.
      I used a 30/10 metric reed (equivalent to 7.6 Imperial), and the sett was 6 epc, or about 15 epi.

      Happy weaving,

  2. Hi Karen,
    Thank you very much for sharing this. I will check it out, the book you mention is in our Guild library.
    I’ve only very recently found your blog and I am hooked! Thanks for all the interesting posts and for your openness and honesty about the good times and not so good times in weaving
    Kind regards,

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