I hope this isn’t cheating, but I added a teeny bit of embroidery to the finished bluebonnets. One thing I learned with this transparency is that an image that looks flat can be improved with a hint of shadows.

I’m thankful for my husband’s artful eye. He helped me identify the “off-screen sunlight” that would produce natural shadows. I am adding a few darker stitches to the right-hand side of some of the lighter areas, and a touch at the sides and lower end of the flower stems. My hope is to give the picture a bit more depth.

Shadows tell us something: There is a light source. Find out where the light is coming from. That is what it’s like for those seeking God. There are shadows everywhere you look. We see the shadows–the effects of a shining light. And we want to find the source.

Go on a search and exploration expedition. Start with small shadows that you see, the circumstances and blessings that hint at an outside light source. Such seekers may discover that God is just off-screen, waiting to be found.
May you follow where the shadows lead.
With joy,
It’s gorgeous! Funny – how can adding your artistic touch be considered cheating? All of your inspiration comes from your Creator who never cheats.
Hi Julia, Good point! Thanks for the encouragement.
It’s beautiful! Embroidery would only give it added depth.
Thanks, Beth,
It makes sense to me to use embroidery where it will enhance the piece with added depth.
I’m glad you like it!
Karen, this piece looks like it was great fun to weave. Flowers and plants are so inspiring as is linen. Always enjoy your posts.
Just back from a week of flax/linen processing, spinning and weaving at Vavstuga. Pure magic!
Hi Sara Jeanne, it’s great to hear from you! I love flowers and plants, but I don’t have my mother’s green thumb, so this is one way I can enjoy growing my own flowers. 🙂
Your flax/linen week at Vavstuga sounds delightful!!
Happy weaving,
Always room for artistic license. (Even when a booboo shows up…ha).
This came out beautifully.
Hi Karen, Oh yes, I know what you’re talking about. I’ve taken artistic license to “adjust” a booboo. That’s part of the process, right?
Thanks for the very kind compliment!
It is Beautiful Karen…..I often add a touch of embroidery to my tapestries……its allowed and enhances the finished piece. Happy weaving – I love your articles…Thank you….
Hi June, I am so glad to hear that some embroidery is allowed. I can see how a touch of embroidery could enhance a tapestry, too. I hadn’t thought of that…
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!
Happy weaving,
Love it Karen, you are such an inspiration to us all. Someday I’ll get there!!
Hi Liberty, From what I’ve seen, you are quite accomplished yourself! We all learn with practice and patience, don’t we? I still have SO MUCH to learn. It’s sweet to be on the learning journey with friends.
Happy weaving, and thank you so much for your kindness toward me,
Karen, it’s beautiful! This inspires me to get back to weaving some again!
Hi Lynette, Thank you so much! I hope you show me pictures when you weave some more transparencies. Your work always inspires me!
It is wonderful
Thank you!
Beautiful transparency
Hi Peg, I’m glad you like it! It was very satisfying to weave.