Lucia became a big sister this week! Her new baby brother, Ari Kyle, is healthy as can be. It won’t be long before Lucia showers affection on him, like she does her baby doll Annabella. I am filled with wonder and awe when I have a newborn grandchild in my arms. It always feels like a tangible miracle from God.

Lucia has an innocent face that I am attempting to capture in yarn. I have completely started over a couple times, and have unwoven and re-woven sections multiple times. It’s a struggle. I timidly share it with you, because I suspect there are things that don’t come easy for you, either.

Prayer. When we pray for the children in our lives, we start with an empty warp. Gradually, the tapestry grows. Will they become what we envision for them? Will they connect with the Lord Jesus? Sometimes we feel like starting from scratch, praying for things we never thought of when they were babies. The picture will always feel incomplete in this life. But that’s another good reason to pray. As they grow, you will see their identifying characteristics develop. And you’ll find yourself saying, “Thank you, Lord.”

May you hold a newborn whenever you can.
Lola Karen
Congratulations! Both children are adorable. Looking forward to seeing the finished tapestry. You are incredibly talented, Karen.
Hi Beth, Thank you! Children have such interesting expressions.
I appreciate your kind words. I’ll keep working on the tapestry; we’ll see how it turns out.
A new grandchild; what a precious blessing from God! And your tapestry of Lucia…a beautiful work in progress. It is amazing to see how God is using the gifts and talents He has given you in various ways.
Blessings to you and yours,
Hi Bev, Each new child is a bundle of surprises! Someone new to love!
It’s good to have some things in our hands that challenge us. Thank you for your encouraging words!
Blessings to you and yours,
Hi Karen,
I know what you mean about the challenge of weaving a face. Some years ago I wove a transparency of the 3 Angels flying giving a message to the world at the end of time (Revelation 14). I used an artists painting to go by (with his permission). When I got to the eyes, I prayed for wisdom to weave them because I knew it would ruin the whole thing if the eyes didn’t look right. Your tapestry of Lucia looks great so far, and there is a lot of expression I see in her eye. It’s so nice to have a God who cares about helping us in everything – even how to weave tapestries/transparencies.
PS: There is a great Christian TV network called Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) that is based on those Angels and getting their messages to people.
Hi, Lynette, Thank you! Praying for wisdom in weaving is great advice. I’m taking that to heart!
Congratulations, Karen! You have a beautiful family!
Hi Annie, Thank you! Family members are treasures.
Is this sam’s wife? Adorable grandchildren and the tapestry oh my word can’t wait to see it finished.
Hi Cynthia, Melody is our daughter—Sam’s sister. Grandchildren sure bring us smiles.
I’ll be making more progress on the tapestry soon!
What blessings! They for you and you for them.
Hi Linda, We are grateful to spend time with all our little blessings!
Mazel Tov!
Hi Shari, Thank you so much!