Now is my chance. I’d like to try one more weft idea on this double weave warp. I ended the colorful throw, and have about fifty centimeters left for a lap blanket. After the red cutting line, I am testing some black cottolin weft. It isn’t in my original plan, nor in my sample, but I want to see how it looks.

The black weft does brighten the warp colors. But that’s not the look I’m after. I would miss the mixed shades that occur as the warp stripe colors are repeated in the weft. So I am weaving the smaller piece with the same weft sequence as the larger throw. When I see the weft choices clearly, it’s not hard for me to decide which weft option to use.

Wisdom is a treasure. It comes from seeing things through heaven’s perspective. Beware of human ideas masquerading as wisdom, leading us in the wrong direction. The treasure of wisdom that is found in Christ leads to understanding. Looking through heaven’s wisdom, my choices become clear. And it’s not hard for me to decide to stay true to the Grand Weaver’s design.
May you walk in wisdom.
With you,
Beautiful, Karen! Both sides are so eye-catching.
Hi Beth, It’s exciting to be so close to the end. I’m happy with how it’s coming.
Thanks so much!
Wow! Love the look of both sides!
Wouldn’t it be great if we could do a little sampling of our life choices before we jumped in and made them? Fortunately, our Heavenly Father did leave us a guide.
I hope you bring this to our WOW meeting this fall.
Hi Annie, That would be great if we could sample life choices that way. You’re right, we have a trustworthy guide!
I may not have the throw in my possession this fall since it’s a gift, but I’ll at least have the smaller piece.
Thanks for weighing in,
Love that fabric, Karen! Hope to get to see it at a WOW meeting. It’s lovely!
Hi D’Anne, I’ll for sure bring the lap blanket to a meeting. I’m enjoying these invigorating colors.
Beautiful. Wonderful craftsmanship.
I spent Sunday afternoon cutting out tote bags to be included in shoe box mission gifts at the Crivitz Presbyterian church. New friends were made near the weekend house. Someone donated heavy nylon advertisement banners to use. The layout of the bag produced unbelievable results not considered when looking at the original cast off banner.
While cutting out these bags, prayer. I pray to put the same craftsmanship into the gifts to people I do not know as I do to those near and dear to me.
The loom still sits while the summer explodes around me. Should I stay home this weekend and weave or transplant the volunteer raspberries in the lawn to the weekend house?
Keep doing God’s work.
Hi Nannette, Sounds like a very rewarding summer!
Thank you!