Every time I advance the warp, more of the lizard disappears. After I finish the tips of these toes, the rest of the weaving will be background—the log on which the green anole is perched. The lizard is more interesting to weave than the log. But without the background, the lizard itself would be incomplete. It’s all part of the journey. Every bit of the picture is needed to tell the full story.

Journey. We are on a journey. We see the scenery changing as we move from one point to another in our seasons of life. There’s the main focus, plus the background. All of which tells our story. Knowing that we never see the whole tapestry while it’s on the loom, let’s ask God to watch over our journey. As a request, not a demand. And then, express gratitude with joy as we see that we’ve indeed been granted safe passage.
May your journey be joyful.
Happy weaving,
I really like all the texture you’re adding. This is going to be fabulous and I can’t wait to see it complete.
Good morning, Beth, I am hoping the texture will add dimension to the tapestry when viewed from a distance. I’m eager to finish so I can see the whole thing off the loom! About 50 cm to go…
Happy weaving,
I love your little saying at the end of each of your posts. Really makes me think We are all on our own journeys some good and sometimes bad but we do weave our own tapestries. Hugs and thanks for sharing your adventures.
Hi Laura, Thinking is good for us, isn’t it? Our life tapestries are very personal, but it’s sweet when we get to share a bit of each other’s journeys.
Thank you for sharing,
Even when we can not remember all the details of our past tapestry, parts that are already rolled on the back beam, God does.
God speed,
Hi Linda, Good point! There are some things of our own history that we will never know or understand until the tapestry is unrolled.
Thanks for sharing,
All lovely—both the weaving and the positive outlook on life s events!
Thank you for sharing so openly!
Hi Michelle, I appreciate your kind thoughts. A positive outlook sure beats the alternative. 🙂
Thanks so much!
He is waving goodbye! See you in a bit!
Hi Liberty, Ha ha ha! Yes, I believe he is going to take a nice long autumn nap for a few weeks. See ya later, Mr. Lizard…
Looking forward to seeing all of this lizard. So many beautiful parts.
Hi Gabriela, This is one of the most satisfying weaves I’ve had on the loom. I want to hurry up and finish, but I don’t want it to end. 🙂
Good to hear from you,