How easy is it to thread heddles on the Glimåkra Julia? It may surprise you that I like to put my loom bench inside the Julia, and then sit there to do the threading. It’s comfortable for me. Watch the video below to see how I get in and get out of the small space.

Don’t worry, that’s not the only way to thread this petite loom. In the video I also show how to bring the shafts forward so you can comfortably thread the heddles while sitting on the loom bench in front of the loom.

May you find ways to keep doing what you love to do.
Happy Threading,
Good morning Karen,
Our first snow cover of this winter arrived this morning.
I thread my floor loom front to back, removing everything behind the castle. A small chair on wheels (think doctors seat in exam room) fits comfortably inside the loom. Ott light aiming at the heddles… good to go.
Glad other looms are designed to pull apart for set up.
Kind regards,
Hi Nannette, No snow here, but temps are dropping.
You know your loom well. I can see that you like to find good ways to work with your loom, too.
Happy weaving,
Karen, thanks for this information on threading. I might try putting the bench inside. I need to get back to Julia as my other needlework joys have taken a priority lately. I have previously threaded similarly as the video that came with Julia shows. Bringing everything forward made it good for me but always interested in learning other ways, especially since I have only done two shafts. Thanks again.
Hi Linda, It may be worth a try. If it’s comfortable for you to sit in the loom, you’ll find that everything is easily within reach.
Enjoy your Julia,
How crazy that the front beam isn’t removable. What a difference that would make.. I have a standard and getting inside the loom is a breeze because of the removable front beam.
Lynn, That’s what I like about my Standard, too–it’s so easy to remove the breast beam for dressing the loom. The Julia is such a small loom, I imagine the breast beam isn’t removable because it’s a structural piece on the loom. It’s not a problem, though. It may be a little loom, but it sure keeps up with the big guys.
Happy Weaving,
Thanks for showing how easy threading can be on a Swedish loom. I do the same thing with my Standard. Your comment about the size of the weaver is a good caveat. I got a Standard not only for the weaving width options, but also because my own height and frame size made getting inside a Julia or even an Ideal…. not so ideal :D. But the Standard with it’s little built in door is just perfect. Such great ergonomics in these looms!
Hi Nancy, I completely agree with you that the ergonomics of these Swedish looms are great! I do prefer my Standard over the other looms because it is the very easiest to dress. And, isn’t it special that a loom like that can be such a great fit for all sizes of people? I like my Standard because it fits me so well! (But I really like the Julia, too, as you have probably guessed.)
Happy weaving,
Thank you for your blog! Since we retired to a smaller house, I’m realising my beloved Ideal loom is…. just too big for my space. And although I’m in denial about it, I don’t think I have ever woven something on it that I couldn’t have woven on the Julia. I have never got around to weaving a rug or even a blanket. I like to weave simple clothing and towels and stoles…. The more I look at the Julia the more I wonder about letting go of the Ideal. However, I would want 8 shafts. Your Julia is 4 , I think? And I wonder how the Julia feels after weaving on something as solid as the Ideal. Any feedback you can give me, having woven on both? Thanks!
Hi Karen, The Ideal is certainly a jewel of a loom. I would say the same thing about the Julia. My Julia has 8 shafts, 8 treadles. I have it set up right now with an 8-shaft broken twill. It’s a dream to weave on. The Julia is a very well-designed loom. It actually feels quite sturdy when weaving on it, even though it looks so much thinner and lighter. I enjoy both looms a great deal – the Ideal and the Julia. If I could keep only one of them, I think it would be the Julia.
Thanks for asking!