All the looms are bare right now. Four empty, quiet looms. But they won’t be quiet for long. I have thread/yarn and plans ready for each loom. I hear a rumbling as the looms begin to wake up. Before long, the weaving rhythm will be fully awakened in this place!

12/6 cotton rug warp in Pear and Brass for Rosepath rag rugs.

6/2 Tuna wool in Lapis Lazuli and Almond for a 12-shaft double weave blanket.

22/2 Cottolin in Sapphire and Yellow Ochre for towels.

The room is undergoing some renovations, too.

Unbleached 16/2 cotton for I-don’t-know-what-yet. But I will soon!
Book pictured is Drawloom Weaving, An introduction to warping and weaving on a drawloom by Joanne Hall.
May you see your best dreams unfold.
Happy, Happy Weaving,