Another Rug Unfurled

I’ve been working on this spaced rep rag rug for a while. I should know what it looks like. So why does unrolling the cloth beam make me feel like a child on Christmas morning awaiting a surprise? It’s because I see only a small portion of the rug at any one time while I am weaving.

Middle section of rug has red fabric strips for weft.
Rows of stripes between sections of the rug.
Third section of rug has dark green fabric strips as weft.
Gimåkra Standard, 120cm. My favorite.
Do you see the flaw in the warp thread (12/6 cotton)? Fortunately, I have already woven the hem and the 6 picks of the warp-thread header. How’s that for a perfect ending? I am cutting off this rug and will tie back on for the next rug. The flaw in the thread will be cut away.
Ready to tie back on very soon.

Not until I cut it off and see the whole rug unfurled on the floor do I really grasp the story this rug is telling. The surprise is pleasant. Threads and fabric strips, and a weaver’s hands (mine), have turned written plans into a compelling story to beautify our surroundings.

It is easy to untie all the knots on the tie-on bar. That gives me plenty of length for tying warp ends into overhand knots in the finishng process.
Unfurled on the floor. First view is a pleasant surprise.

Our Grand Weaver excels at taking simple threads and odd pieces of cloth to create a lasting story. He weaves his plans into our lives to draw us nearer to himself. We see only short segments at a time. From beginning to end, though, our Lord’s skilled and scarred hands demonstrate his love to us. The finished work is more than we imagine.

Warp ends have been knotted, and hem turned under and hand stitched. This rug is ready to beautify the room.

May you experience the joy of pleasant surprises.

Happy Weaving,

16 thoughts on “Another Rug Unfurled


    The finished rug took my breath away!

    I wonder if God steps back from his creation and has the same amazement. Exponentially!!!

    Within the soil beneath our feet are microscopic creatures. Without which, trees will not grow. What a great plan.

    1. Hi Nannette, Thank you! The creation plan of God is truly amazing. I imagine he does step in and say, “What a beautiful daughter, what a beautiful son.”

      Happy Advent,

  2. Oh Karen! This rug is astonishingly beautiful! How I love that we are able to follow along beside you as you take this enormously fun journey. You know…I see you as His very special gift to me. Merry Christmas, darling girl…Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Charlotte, Isn’t it great that something so enjoyable like weaving a rug can bring so much delight when we see it. I’m so glad you like it! That means a lot.

      Merry Christmas,

  3. “Our Grand Weaver excels at taking simple threads and odd pieces of cloth to create a lasting story. He weaves his plans into our lives to draw us nearer to himself. We see only short segments at a time. From beginning to end, though, our Lord’s skilled and scarred hands demonstrate his love to us. The finished work is more than we imagine.” –what a beautiful way to put this, Karen! And your rug is wonderful!

  4. I too just cut off two rugs last night. During weaving there is always the excitement, but then some doubts and concerns about decisions made along the way. But then, there it is off the loom and I see it complete. It always pleases me.
    Your rug designs have always pleased me. You are such a good designer. Your rugs are so pleasant and I enjoy seeing each one as you show us what you have woven. Thanks.

    1. Hi Joanne, I’m so happy to be in this weaving world where we share a common language and understanding of what it’s like to see the work of our hands. All the doubts that sneaked in along the way disappear when we see that our efforts and attention have not gone to waste.
      Thank you for your encouragement. I take it to heart. Now, if I’m going to keep designing and weaving more rugs, I’m going to need some more floor space. 🙂 just kidding

      Heartfelt thanks,

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