When Things Don’t Make Sense

I may not be a math or science expert, but I’m pretty smart, and can figure most things out. If I get stumped, I keep trying until I find the answer — usually.

handwoven rosepath band
For this turned Rosepath design, threads are sleyed unevenly through the 15-dent-per-inch reed, meaning the number of threads per dent varies across the width of the band.

I tried, but just could not understand the instructions for sleying the reed for this Rosepath Band. I did my best, but the start of the weaving revealed I didn’t get it right. When I examined the threads that were bunching up, I saw my error. Aha! The once confusing instructions now made perfect sense! In life, when we don’t understand the instructions, or can’t make sense of why things happen, our impulse is to question the instruction-giver.

I removed those first few inches of weaving, untied, re-sleyed correctly, re-tied, and then began weaving again. Beautiful! Once I got a fresh perspective of the instructions, everything fell into place. We have the false notion that the instruction-giver for the universe is like us, when he’s so much greater. His instructions are written with love, through a perspective that’s far above our humanity. And the results are beautiful!

May you enjoy instructions that make perfect sense — most of the time.

Still learning,

Quiet Friday


handwoven rosepath band
Most of the intricacy is achieved through detailed arrangement of warp threads, using a turned rosepath draft. The design comes alive like magic as it’s woven with a rosepath treadling pattern.


threading draft for handwoven rosepath band
Weaving draft with complex threading pattern is hanging in view for constant reference while threading.


stabilize shafts for handwoven Rosepath band
Cords from the back of the loom to the front keep the shafts stable, made necessary by the very narrow weaving width.


handwoven rosepath band selvedges
First little bit is rough at the edges, but being my second attempt at starting, I’m simply thrilled it’s working! (First attempt had to be un-woven, un-tied, re-sleyed, and re-tied. Whew!)


handwoven rosepath band
First yard woven. Six to go.


weighted pattern threads for handwoven rosepath band
Slat separates the pattern threads (which weave in at a lesser rate of take-up than the plain weave threads) at the warp beam, and is drawn down with elastic cords. View is from the back of the loom.


handwoven rosepath band
Weaving is progressing rhythmically. The taut band makes a nice deep musical pitch when “plucked” on its way to the cloth beam. (I find it hard to resist making music.)


Handwoven rosepath band on cloth beam
Woven band follows its path to wind around the cloth beam, layer upon layer.

Quietly yours,
