If you must be in a hurry, then you probably won’t enjoy handweaving. Your hurry up condition will be put to the test even more so with tapestry weaving. And when you make mistakes, the errors can usually be remedied, but it always takes more time. Have patience.

I meant to have this piece finished two months ago, but that’s another story. Now that I have finally woven the last pick I am so eager to take the tapestry off the frame. Wait a minute. What? I forgot to do the twining at the beginning of the tapestry? The twining is essential; it keeps the weft in place when the warp tension is relaxed. Okay, have patience, Karen. Do what needs to be done. Add the twining.

Patience is a virtue. What do you do when your patience is put to the test? Especially with important life issues. Trust in the Lord and be still. Waiting patiently is better than fretting. Is it possible the Lord has some finishing work to do in us, requiring patience, before we move on to the next assignment?
May you find errors while they are still fixable.
Karen, do you do any finishing on the back?
Sandy, I will make an edging with the warp ends when I remove the tapestry from the frame loom, but I don’t do any other finishing on the back, other than trimming all the yarn to about 1/2″.
Your tapestry is awesomely beautiful and thank you for the life lesson on patience, it comes at just the right time. I have been working on patience for a good while now….I have found it with my fibery fun, now to incorporate it into every day life.
Dear Kath,
Learning patience is a continual lesson for all of us, isn’t it? Your sweet compliment makes me smile. Thanks!
Happy Weaving,
When I think back I don’t remember being taught the virtue of patience when young or in school. So it’s nice to be reminded that it’s ok to go slower and stay calm… I’m learning the outcome is better in what I do and how I feel about myself and my work. Thanks Karen.
That’s a good point, Trish! I think you are right–the outcome IS better when we slow down and stay calm.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Karen your tapestry is such a beautiful artistic work of art you are so gifted and thank you for sharing your fabulous work. Yes that word patience certainly does arise quite often a great posting to remind us of it , as weaving does give us another avenue to practise it, I find the continuous developing and faith of telling myself …that everything in my life will unfold as it should ….slows down the anxiety to calmly work it out. Bless you Karen
Carrol, Thank you!
I appreciate hearing everyone’s thoughts on patience. It is worthwhile to give consideration to things that make a difference in how our lives function. I am so happy you’ve added your voice to the conversation!
Blessings to you,
LOVE the tapistery. I believe patience comes with age. As we get older we come to understand doing a project right may take time and we are ready to give that project that needed time. Along with being a weaver I’m also a knitter and a Quilter. My friends that quilt are always in a hurry to make the next quilt so they have their quilts machine quilted. i, PERSONALLY, hand quilt because I spend the time quietly reflecting on the person the quilt is for hoping they will some day know how much love, patience, joy and happiness went into their quilt. Weaving is the same The planning and the correcting to make the project the right size, for me, takes a lot of thought. threading a thousand ++threads of 20/2 for the warp takes me forever. I can only do 50 threads a day. the weaving is ,in a lot of cases, mindless work unless it’s a new complicated pattern, but it all takes patience to make it come out right. God given or insight from ageing ,patience is a blessing we hopefully will all attain. LPJ, linda
Hi Linda,
Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you like the way it turned out!
I’m grateful that God designed us to gain insight as we age. And I’m grateful for the insight you share!
Hi Karen,
Beautiful work! Too bad you have to take it off the loom as it makes a fine frame.
I am dealing with major challenges right now (newly widowed and new health issues) such as do I stay here or move. If I move, where on earth should I go. If I stay how will I care for the house and acreage. I find that my textile and fiber work are calming and help me to remember to be more patient with God. I can lose my self in the work and have the peace of mind for extensive prayer and conversation with God.
Hi Colleen, I like it on the frame, too! I have to remove it, though, to start another tapestry. It could get costly to purchase a new frame loom for every new tapestry. 🙂
It is sweet to hear how the Lord is carrying you through your time of waiting and seeking. I’m sorry for the hard things you have had to go through.
Hello! Thank you for sharing your beautiful work! I wondered if you would grant permission for me to share your images in a small Sunday School (with credit), accompanied by the Tapestry Poem? Thank you for letting me know 🙂
Hi Amy, Thank you for asking! I would be honored for you to use my images for your Sunday school class. The Tapestry Poem is dear to my heart.
All the best,