Pass the Test with Black and White Weft

Who knew you could do so much with black and white? The pattern for this third black and white towel differs from the first two. Each new towel is an opportunity to create a new pattern.

Cottolin towels (thick & thin) on the loom.
Two red picks mark the end of towel #2. I always use red for the cutting line between pieces to prevent accidentally cutting at the wrong spot.

For the first four towels I am putting myself to the test, using only black and white weft. The color restriction turns out to be a designer’s advantage. It forces me to consider possibilities that I might have overlooked if I had allowed myself to include other colors. I get excited when I see ideas turn into cloth on the loom. It is still as delightful as it was the very first time I threw a shuttle. If you are a weaver, you know what I mean.

Here is an amazing thought: You can bring delight to God. It brings delight to the Lord when we trust in him completely. He knows the right plans, and knows when to stick with black and white, and when to throw in a splash of color. Think of his delight when we go along with his ideas, and the resulting woven cloth of our lives brings a smile to his face.

May your ideas turn into delightful cloth.

Happy weaving,

8 thoughts on “Pass the Test with Black and White Weft

  1. My smartphone keeps bringing up your blog as something I might enjoy and I really have been, thank you for sharing.

    I was wondering, in the picture you have a strip of paper pinned to you towel. Is that to measure the towel as you go so they are all the same length? What a clever idea!
    There is always something to learn or inspire when I read your blog. Thanks again.

    1. Hi Leigh, I’m pleased that your smartphone sent you here!

      What you see in the picture is a length of twill tape/ribbon. And yes, it is for keeping the towels a consistent length. I mark the hems on the tape, and I put a mark at the midway point, so I can adjust The tape with the design when I reach the middle, if needed.

      Thanks for dropping in and saying Hi!

    1. Hi Maggie, This is two-treadle plain weave, like most rep weave, but it is not rep weave. There are similarities, though, in that both use thick and thin wefts. This set up for these towels, however, also has thick and thin warp ends, which gives it another dimension; whereas rep weave, as far as I know, uses all one thickness of thread for the warp, and is normally sett with the threads close together. This “thick and thin” structure produces very flexible cloth, at least with the sizes of thread that I’m using – doubled 22/2 cottolin for the thick, and single 30/2 cotton for the thin.

      Thanks for asking! And thanks for the encouraging words, too!
      Happy weaving,

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