I am ending this warp with spectacular stars. Or are they snowflakes? I got a new book of patterns just in time. My friend Cathleen shared her innovative source with me—Selbu Mittens: Discover the Rich History of a Norwegian Knitting Tradition, by Anne Bårdsgård. This book is filled with beautiful charts, perfect for translating into drawloom designs. It has page after page of classic eight-pointed stars, which look like snowflakes to me.

The star patterns all have an odd number of squares across the chart. My drawloom is currently set up with an even number of pattern shafts. To compensate, I am offsetting the star and adding a vertical dotted line. For the second row of stars I am flipping the offset and switching to a lighter shade of blue weft. I am also pulling the pattern shaft cords for the background around the star pattern. This reverses the pattern and ground, giving a different perspective of the same design, making the star blue and the background white.

Even when our perspective changes, the foundation stays the same. Truth endures. God speaks truth, even through his created designs. Stars in the heavens and snowflakes on the earth attest to the enduring truth of their Designer’s glory.
May the end of your warp be spectacular.
Happy Weaving,
Amazing! I’m looking forward to seeing this off the loom.
Hi Beth, This is still a sample warp, so there will be many small pieces when this comes off the loom. And we’re almost there…
Good morning Karen,
In blue and white…I see snowflakes. What would be seen woven in red and yellow?
I like the way design can transfer from knitting, to weaving, and in the case of the ‘snowflake ‘ painted on the side of a barn.
The electrician started yesterday!!! All the 21st century updates should be done in a few days. Overhead light above the floor loom when all is done.
Of all the times and places, God blessed us with here and now. Am reading ‘The Golden Thread’. It begins with linen, hand spun on a thigh. Woven in Egypt. Vertical loom. Weighted warp.
Definitely blessed.
Hello, Nannette, Colors do influence our perspective. Classic designs like this can show up in many different places. It’s so fun to notice the motifs.
Here and now is a gift. Thanks for the reminder.
All the best,
That’s a familier pattern! My mom grew up about 40 miles from Selbu, she will be 90 this year and is still knitting
I have only used this pattern for knitting but it’s beautiful used in weaving, too!
Hi Elisabeth, These classic patterns are timeless! I’m drawn to their simplicity and symmetry. I am delighted to hear that this pattern is familiar to you and your family!
I don’t comment much but I want you to know I look forward to your posts. Thank you for the weaving. My gratitude for your reminders of God’s blessings and truth.
Hi Linda, Your kindness brings sunshine to my day.
Thank you,
Gorgeous! I know nothing about drawlooms so this is fascinating.
Hi Sara, Drawlooms are indeed fascinating looms. There is no end to the pleasant surprises it gives me.
Thank you!
I rarely comment, but this Nordic design took my breath away! It is absolutely gorgeous! I am still struggling in the baby first steps of floor loom weaving, but your weaving inspires me to keep trying. Thank you for the reminder that we serve a Great God and that He sees, cares and is in control of all that is happening around us.
Hi Micki, I am so thrilled to receive your thoughtful comment. Yes, these Nordic designs are captivating. I’m completely taken by them, too.
Those first baby steps of floor loom weaving will become more and more natural, and you will soon be running with delight. We all start with baby steps. We do serve a Great caring God!
Happy weaving,
It’s a great book. I got it for band weaving and drawloom patterns so it is great to see I was correct that the patterns could be used for draw loom weaving. Now, if I only had a draw loom…! Your weaving is great. I also love your apron. did you weave that?
Hi Emily, Fantastic, you already have this beautiful book! For band weaving? What a great idea.
I did not weave the apron, though I would like to do that one of these days. I have an apron at each loom. I found these simple aprons at a local shop in my area.
Happy weaving,
Off to Amazon I will go, I am always on the hunt for designs that can translate to drawloom work.
Hi Martha, You will not be sorry… This book a terrific find. It’s a lovely book, even if it were just for the pictures and history in it.
Happy weaving,
So beautiful! Everything in blue and white catches my eyes. Thanks so much for your posts. They are so inspiring and informative.
Hi Maria, I treasure your kind words. I’m delighted that you come along with me on this weaving journey. Blue and white must certainly be the most peaceful colors ever.
Warm regards,
I want to agree with Linda….I always look forward to your posts…inspired and attentive to your weaving and pointers. But, your references to God always leave me with a sense of peace ..
I am always fiddling with and adjusting the height of my weaving bench. I notice yours is quite high….do you sit on the edge?
Hi Karen, I’m touched that you gain a sense of peace here. There can be no greater compliment than that.
Regarding bench height, a good rule of thumb is for your elbows to be just above the breast beam. I am short-waisted, so it means that I do set my bench relatively high. At this bench height I have no back strain at all. I’m not aware of sitting on the edge (but I might, out of habit of sitting at the piano bench). 🙂
Happy weaving,
Absolutely beautiful, I love the photos too!
Hi Kelly, Thank you so much! I am very fortunate to have a skilled photographer in the family. My son-in-law Eddie does amazing work.
All the best,