I would like to finish this skirt project in time to wear the skirt this summer. Huckaback (huck lace) is easy to weave, but it takes time. All I need is time.

Linen weft threads pack in tighter and make better selvedges when they are dampened. I need a tight weave to square the pattern that is coming on the next two skirt tiers. And the edge of the skirt flounce is a selvedge that will be fully exposed, so tidy selvedges are a must. It takes a little bit of time to hold a damp cloth against the thread as I wind a quill, or to wrap a damp cloth around a quill that’s already wound. It’s worth it. In the scheme of things, that little bit of time is nothing…and everything.

We all have a little bit of time. Look at your hand. A lifespan is no longer than the width of your hand. A lifetime is one moment to God. Our life begins and ends in one breath of God. This little bit of time we have is nothing…and everything. This is how God loved us in our little bit of time: he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not perish but have timeless life with him.
May you have a little bit of time.
With you,
Beautiful web! It’s going to make such a pretty spring/summer skirt! I’ve never woven with pure linen and would be curious to see how you wind the bobbin, moistening the yarn, if possible.
Take care, Karen!
Hi Beth, It will be a cheerful skirt to wear! Thanks for the great idea for a quick tip video. I just might do that.
All the best,
I recently watched the Tom Kniseley video on linen and he suggested keeping a little bowl of water and dipping your fingers in it from time to time as you wind the bobbin. That sounds similar to what you are doing. I unfortunately don’t always weave of the whole bobbin before it dries, so I liked your tip about wrapping a damp rag around the bobbin–I will try that next time. (I’ve also seen a suggestion to put it in the fridge but that seems less than ideal in our house).
The skirt looks beautiful. And you won’t even have to hem it! So in that sense, you’re saving quite a bit of time.
Hi Sara, My bobbin winder is in a different area than my loom, so I often wind 3 or 4 quills at a time. Those extra quills are no longer damp by the time I get to them, so wrapping a damp cloth around the quill I’m going to use works well. That cloth doesn’t have to be very wet to be able to put some moisture in the threads. The linen soaks it right up.
You are right in line with my thinking—no hemming! Exactly why I planned it this way. I hadn’t thought of it as saving so much time, but, yes!
Happy weaving,
Good reminder today as I prepare to attend a favorite cousin’s funeral, that I am to recognize that we are on earth for just a bit and we should use that time wisely, and show love to all who cross our path. Thank you for sharing God’s truth today and your delightful weaving!
Hi Micki, Losing a dear person is sad. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for your thoughts about using our time wisely while we are here.
When i weave with linen i ut soak my bobbins in a mug o water overnight Then wrap them in a towel and weave with them
They dry out a bit but i have no problems
Your blog makes me wamt to get finished painting my daughters fixer upper and weave! Thank you!
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your input! That’s interesting that you put your linen bobbins in water overnight. Since I use cardboard quills, that would pretty much destroy the quills, I think. But wrapping the dampened quills in a towel might keep them damp longer.
I hope you get to your weaving soon.
Happy weaving,
I have never woven with linen but experimented with hemp this past year. I had time to “play” since all of my shows were canceled!?!? After reading your post, I am thinking I should have dampened it. It was not easy to keep nice selvedges with it. This year has reminded me that we are not in control and our life is just a breath- Thanks Karen for your words.
Hi Maria, I have not woven with hemp, but have heard it has properties similar to linen. I’d be interested to know if some moisture helps with hemp like it does with linen.
Yes, our lifetime is short in view of eternity. We best make the most of it.
Happy weaving,
Nice. Thank you.
Learned on my own this week: Don’t use lining scraps in rag weaving. Lol!!
Pretty color combination in the linen.
Hi Nannette, We are always learning. That’s one of the joys of weaving!
Thank you,