This is the fourth and final towel in my Snowflake series. Right now in Texas hill country it is extremely hot and dry, so these few gentle snowflakes are a welcome sight, even if only made of thread. We look forward to cooler days and moisture from the heavens.

This Myrehed combination drawloom attachment functions as a thread lifter. When I pull a draw handle for a pattern shaft, a series of thread units are raised. When I pull a draw cord for a single unit, one unit of threads is raised. I am using 45 pattern shafts for the repeated snowflake border designs on these towels. The center area of each towel has small and large snowflake designs at varying intervals. These irregular designs are created using 148 single units. It’s because of all those lifted warp ends that we can create woven snowflakes.

We expect to have worries in this life. Daily needs come as repeated patterns. Other disturbances come at irregular intervals. Worry is eliminated in God’s kingdom. God’s kingdom has a worry lifter–Jesus. He invites us to give him our worries and trust him to care for us. Imagine the one-of-a-kind design that emerges when worries are lifted!
May your worries fade away.
In living hope,
Good morning Karen,
It has been an unusual summer. Hot, dry, and the weekly change of bugs that come with living in the area. Although, we did get a few good days of rain last week. I am such a city girl.
This morning I watched 2 wild turkey hens lead their 6 chicks around the yard. Bless those little bug eaters.
For reasons I cannot fathom a grey squirrel joined them in a game of tag.
I noticed on the national weather maps the Texas hill country is not receiving the rain of the states to the east. That will make your piece of God’s world more beautiful when the rain does come.
I am finishing up the last two quilt patches for a blanket that includes heritage blocks, for a future bride in the family. The one I worked on yesterday is a Wisconsin block. …. it has a point where 6 fabrics come together at at pivot.
When this blanket is finished… I will weave the red, white and blue rag rug for the veterans’ raffle at the county fair. I am so glad for challenges. I am also glad for the non-challenges.
God bless,
Hi Nannette, I’m glad you have beautiful challenges for your creative skills.
These towels are all absolutely stunning, Karen!
They even make me feel memories of cooler weather and transport me back to playing in the snow of a Wisconsin winter. I am grateful to you for that.
I love the idea of irregular disturbances and our ability to turn to a worry lifter.
Hi Annie, When we allow the Lord to lift our worries, we are more able to do the things He has called us to do.
Beautiful towels; and in the back of my head I keep thinking “she must have a masters degree in engineering technology to understand that draw-loom function”.
“Worry lifter–Jesus” is a really good description of Jesus and he has been a worry lifter for me this year so far. I thought the other day that I have been “ambushed” this year with thing I could not foresee. But along the way he has given me a step at a time moments. I have an tendency to work up a worry but it has been taken care of in a calm and reassuring way. I guess that is who Jesus is: calm and reassuring. He walks ahead and manages impossible things.
Take care
Hi Ida, Your statement made me chuckle. My husband chuckled, too. I certainly don’t have any engineering degrees (my degree is in music), but I married an engineer, so maybe I’ve caught some of his thinking over these 45 years. The drawloom is not as complicated as I once thought. It really makes sense to me because everything works in an orderly fashion.
I’m glad to hear that you have experienced the day-by-day reassurance of Jesus lifting worries.
All the best,