Handwoven remnants (aka scraps) do not get thrown away. Every scrap is good for something. Some scraps are so unusual it takes an extra dose of creativity to find a use for them.

This remnant of blue wool fabric is something I wove a few years ago during my Big Book of Weaving adventure. This structure uses a weft-cord technique, which creates interesting ridges in the fabric. The original project is a simple handbag. The remaining fabric has been buried in a box of remnants. Until now.

I had a great idea to make a bench cushion for my Julia loom from this unusual remnant. Guess what? All those ridges are not so comfortable to sit on (fortunately, I tested it first). My next idea, though, is a success! The blue bumpy scrap makes a nice lumbar pillow, adding special comfort to the rocking chair that belonged to my great grandmother.

May you find uses for all your fabric scraps.
Your friend,
Karen, you are an inspiration for getting your ‘scraps’ under control. Mine are a living example of loaves and fishes. No matter how hard I try to reduce the collection, it multiplies when I’m not looking.
Nice job.
Hi Nannette, I love your response, and you made me laugh out loud! Yes, it’s loaves and fishes for sure. I wouldn’t say I have my scraps under control, but it is something I am aiming for this year.