Quiet Friday: Thirteen Cushions

There is always room for more cushions and pillows. What better way to use handwoven fabric? Making cushions puts the fabric to use where it can be seen and touched. The very first project on my first floor loom was fabric for a throw pillow, with a cottolin warp and 16/2 linen weft. Unsightly selvedges are nowhere to be seen!

Cotton and linen cushion. Handwoven fabric.
First project on the Glimåkra Standard floor loom.

From the all-linen blue and brown dice weave cushions to the wild and hairy pillows with rya knots, each one makes a statement. Each one says, in its own way, “Welcome to our home.”

All-linen handwoven dice weave cushions.
Linen Dice Weave Cushions

Thirteen cushions, all handwoven. Karen Isenhower


Enjoy this little slide show video I made for you.

May your handwoven fabric be put to good use.

Happy Weaving and Sewing,

17 thoughts on “Quiet Friday: Thirteen Cushions

  1. Just lovely! May I ask if these are plain weave? and what your epi (or epcm) was? And did you beat firmly? Or equal to warp?

    I don’t have a Glimakra – yet. Hoping to find one in the next few years. VavStuga biased me.

    1. Hi Kim,

      I’m away from home at the moment, so I don’t have my project notes to refer to.
      The one plain weave pillow is from the first fabric I wove on my floor loom. The other pillows have various other weave structures.

      The plain weave pillow is probably about 24 epi, and I did beat it firmly. The weft picks are equal to the warp ends per inch.

      I hope that helps. I understand being swayed by time at Vavstuga. I hope your Glimakra search is successful!


  2. Very inspiring. Thanks to you, I’ve decided to weave the fabric for pillows for my loveseat. Thank you!

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