This has been another good year! It is sweet to have friends from all over the globe who walk with me in this handweaver’s journey. Thank you for joining me here. We examine the meaning of life together, along with exploring the technical details of making cloth. I appreciate you, friend!

Thanks to my talented videographer son-in-law, Eddie, you now have a video that brings you into my weaving studio for a visit.

Come on in…
This welcome video is now at the top of the Warped for Good About page.
(If you enjoy the video, share it with friends by moving your cursor over the “paper airplane” near the top right of the video.)
May your friendships blossom throughout the coming year.
Your friend,
I enjoy the artistic way in which weaving is presented on this video – very tasteful, and a great use of motion and tempo 🙂
Nancy, you sound knowledgeable! I am happy you enjoyed the video. Eddie gets all the credit.
I appreciate you and Eddie for creating this visual aid to articulating the value of hand weaving. Slow is something we need exposure to, particularly in our current culture.
Thank you for your thoughts! Yes, slow and quiet is a treasure when our culture is screaming busy.
Hi Karen,
Loved your video! It’s nice to see who we are getting messages from. I am a pretty new weaver and have used lots of videos when I come to a new technique that I don’t know how to do.
Your floor loom is beautiful by the way I started on a ridged heddle and bought a used loom and I am really enjoying it.
Thank you!
Hi Libby,
It’s really nice to hear from readers, too. It’s great to get to know you!
I will always appreciate the rigid heddle loom and the years of weaving pleasure I gained from that. I think it’s a great way to step into the world of weaving.
I have been considering making some short tutorial videos in the coming year. Let me know if there is anything in particular that you would like to see.
Happy weaving and Happy New Year,
Karen, I loved “visiting” with you in your studio. I too agree that the slowness of weaving gives us space to be ourselves and permission to listen to our inner self. I send you warm wishes for a very happy New Year that is full of weaving time.
It’s good to hear from you, Martha!
Thank you very much for your thoughtful sentiments and your well wishes. A year full of weaving time – what could be better?
What a pretty video, thank you for letting me follow your weaving life.
Happy new year.
Grethe, it’s a joy to have you coming along with me.
Happy new year to you,
Great and wonderful video. Thank you for letting me “visit” you in your studio!
Thank you for coming in, Helga. It’s a pleasure to “visit” with you!
Happy Weaving,
Wonderful video Karen! Eddie did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of weaving on film, and as always your words are just perfect! Can’t wait to see what else you and Eddie will come up with! Happy New Year! Look forward to seeing you soon. xx
Gretchen, thanks for your encouraging words. “Capturing the essence of weaving” is something I hoped we could accomplish!
It will be good to see you again soon!
Beautifully done! He did a fabulous job.
I’m so glad you like it, Anne!