The linen on my loom last spring was a secret project. I only showed hints of what I was doing. Now that the “secret” linen project is published, let’s go back to see some of the process. Complete instructions for weaving and sewing these Linen Dice Weave pillows are in the January/February 2016 issue of Handwoven magazine. Read how it all came about in Caught by Surprise – in a Good Way.

May you and those you love make meaningful memories on this Christmas day.
Merry Weaving Christmas,
That was beautiful seeing your whole process, including seeing the trapeze. I made one for my baby wolf but not for my Glimakra. That is something I plan to do this year. Thank you for a wonderful year of weaving posts. I have enjoyed them all.
Hi Kate,
I love having you along on this journey! Merry Christmas to you, too!
Oh I forgot to say. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year.
Merry Christmas to you from Visalia, Ca!! Love your blog and everything you include…very encouraging and motivating to see all of your projects and hints you give to weave.
A very Merry Christmas to you, Marlene! I’m so happy that you find encouragement here. Thank you so much for letting me know!
Happy weaving,
Wow! That was wonderful to see in production!
Hi Janie, I think it’s wonderful that you enjoyed seeing it!
Happy Weaving,
I hate to write this since its now 2022 but there is an error in your post. The original pattern was from Handwoven Jan/Feb 2016 not 2015. I purchased the 2015 copy and it was not in there so I had to come back to your blog to find the other blog to find out that it was the 2016 issue. Not sure you can correct this now but wanted others to know just in case they wanted to do the pattern.
Happy Weaving. 🙂
Thank you, Anita, I am so glad you let me know about the error. I’m sorry you had to find the error the hard way. I have corrected the date!
Happy Weaving,