No fancy stuff for this rug, like rya or loops. The main thing is to finish off this warp. I am eager to get on to the next project–monksbelt (munkabalte)! Even so, it is good to enjoy what you are doing, to be happy and content with what you have and where you are. There is no use complaining about having to finish this. …even though something else seems more exciting.

A grumbling attitude can strip all the joy from the current process. Grumbling poisons your thinking. It starts as a small complaint, but is never content to stay small. In fact, grumbling spreads to other people and corrupts their desires, too. Better to refuse it before it has a chance to begin. Notice and enjoy the blessing of the moment you are in. And so far, I haven’t found a rag rug I didn’t enjoy weaving. Now that’s a blessing!
May your attitude be worthy of imitation.
With contentment,
I love this rug, it’s simplicity is beautiful to me. A question, please: what’s the epi? Are they doubled? (I’m about to warp my loom for the second time and am mentally stuck on what epi to use for my next batch of rugs.)
Thanks Karen, I appreciate your blog a lot.
Hi Shelly,
The sett for this rug is 5 epi, and yes, the ends are doubled. Most of my rag rugs, however, have a sett of 8 epi and the ends are not usually doubled, except at the selvedges.
Thanks for asking! Have fun weaving your rugs!
What a wise and wonderfully useful message, Karen! Thank you for your time and sharing your thoughts! You are a Blessing! Kris
Kris, I appreciate that so much!
Karen, your rug is lovely. Your comments are living and enjoying the moment you are in are straight from the Buddhist Dharma – a wonderful way of life.
Martha, thank you!
Our attitudes do help set our course, don’t they?
Happy weaving,