Twelve placemats just came off the loom! Now, for the finishing work. Measuring, examining, repairing, washing and drying, and hemming. Soon they will be ready to dress the table for a home-cooked meal. Mmmm… The focus is on food and fellowship. The placemats are there to catch the drips and crumbs. And then, washed and made ready for the next meal.
Christmas. While our focus is on food and fellowship, a beautiful mystery plays out right in front of us. A baby named Jesus entered the world. Christmas celebrates this. Jesus came to take away our offenses, catching our drips and crumbs. The mystery of God is glorious. This is the mystery: Jesus takes our stains, and we who trust in him come out washed and made ready for glory. This is good news, for which a weary world rejoices!
May your table be dressed for good times.
Have a glorious Christmas,
How appropriate. The number twelve on Christmas morning.
How beautiful.
It is the quiet of the predawn with the just past full moon reflecting off the snow. Before all the excitement of the day’s celebration.
I love God’s color pallet.
Merry Christmas Karen.
Hi Nannette, Your scene is lovely. Here, there is no snow, and it’s dark out as I watch for the first glint of light. The bright moon must be behind cloud cover. Peaceful and serene, with apple cinnamon steel cut oats in the crockpot just about ready to feed our celebrants.
Merry Christmas to you,
Beautifully said, Karen! It is a day of celebration! It’s natural to put the words, “Merry Christmas to You”, etc. to the Happy Birthday tune, changing the last 2 lines, to ” Merry Christmas, Dear Jesus! Merry Christmas to You!”
Blessings to you as you bless so many others!
I meant to say my name, Joyce A Lowder
Good morning, Joyce! This celebration doesn’t end when the wrapping paper is gone. It quietly keeps going all year – in our hearts.
Merry Christ-mas,
What is the name of that pattern? It is perfect for placemats! Love your colors, too!
Hi Marjorie, This is simple plain weave, with color and weave effects. I chose the colors from a select palette of colors I am using for this house.
I haven’t used placemats in a very long time. And this is the first time I’ve made any, so we’ll find out pretty soon how well they work.
I see you doubled the weft. Was that true of the warp as well? And is this linen? Cottolin?
Marjorie, Yes the warp is doubled, too. So this plain weave is actually a basket weave, which makes the color and weave possibilities that much more interesting. This is 8/2 cotton in warp and weft.
Thanks for answering. I aspire to become a weaver, and I’m at that stage where I’m trying to figure things out. Your placemats are gorgeous, and I love the texture the basketweave gives them. Merry Christmas, and I hope you have a wonderful new year, filled with many weaving hours!
Marjorie, I smile at the thought of “many weaving hours!” What a sweet blessing!
Thank you,
They’re lovely! Looking forward to seeing them finished.
Merry Christmas, Karen!
Hi Beth, I’m looking forward to seeing them on the table! I’ve started the finishing process, examining for errors. They are just about ready to go in the washing machine.
Merry Christmas to you!
Beautiful placemats, Karen!
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to you, Betsy!
Thanks for responding! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas, Karen, and a Happy New Year!
Joanna, Merry Christmas to you!
Lovely! Doubled 8/2 cotton, May I ask what your sett is?
Merry Christmas!
Hi Robin, I’m glad you like them! I used a metric 55/10 reed. That comes out to about 13.5 dents per inch. Two doubled ends per dent, so it’s 11 doubled ends per cm, or 27 doubled ends per inch.
Merry Christmas to you!
Happy Christmas Karen, and all the best for the New Year. May the joy of weaving continue and thanks for sharing!
Hi Gerda, Thank you for the kind words of blessing.
Happy Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Karen!
Thank you, Annie!
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
Merry Christmas Karen! Thank you for all your inspiration this year! Hope you have a great day!!
Hi Liberty, It is truly a joy to have you meet with me here.
Merry Christmas and Happy Weaving,
Merry Christmas! Christ has come!
Hi Linda, Merry Christmas! Immanuel. God with us.
In his grace,