Snow in Texas Hill Country is minimal. To make up for it, I am putting together a virtual snowstorm—four Christmas Snowflake towels on the drawloom. Each towel has three large snowflakes at the bottom and top borders. The body of the towel has delicate snowflake crystals drifting to the ground.

Starting with Selbu Mittens: Discover the Rich history of a Norwegian Knitting Tradition, by Anne Bårdsgård, I transpose Nordic star patterns into drawloom graphed designs. Affinity Designer (graphic design software) takes the place of graph paper for me. Being vector graphic design, it enables me to make changes without having to start over. I can easily move, separate, copy, and/or transform elements as I work through a design. I print out exactly what I need, scaled up in size without losing clarity, in a format that enhances my ability to make the right moves at the combination drawloom.

We have a faithful designer. Our Grand Weaver creates his image in us. He moves, separates, copies, and transforms elements in our lives until his image clearly shows. It takes a lifetime. The Lord is faithful. Since he has brought us this far, let us also be found faithful to him, conforming to his image.
May you see how far you’ve come.
Many blessings,
Good morning Karen,
If you ever miss snow, you are welcome to visit. The last few decades it stays around into April.
We call the big and gentle flakes Christmas snow. It is beautiful.
There are trees in my line of site with snow pummeled to the trunk by a storm last week. Still beautiful.
The interpretation on your towels. Beautiful.
All directed by the hand of God.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi Nannette, Thanks for the invitation to witness plenteous snow. I think I should call these towels, then, “Christmas Snow Towels.”
Thank you so much,
Karen, I love your designs. You make it beautiful. And I enjoy the colors you add to weaving. You must be having some sunshine now as I see it streaming across your loom. Thanks for my morning treat.
Hi Joanne, My time at the drawloom is all joy. I do like it when the sun streams across the loom – the shading and shifting shadows always seem like art to me.
I appreciate your kind encouragement!
What a lovely design, Karen! I look forward to seeing the finished towel.
Hi D’Anne, I’m glad you like it!
Thank you,
Beautiful weaving and message. Thank you.
Thank you!
I think autocorrect changed Selbu Mittens to Selma Mittens! I love the idea of using mitten pattern graphs for weaving and your towels will be beautiful!
Hi Melissa, You are right about the autocorrect! I will edit the title to the correct name right away. Thanks for pointing that out. There are many beautiful pattern graphs available.
Thank you!