Vintage Swedish Loom: Never Too Old

This old loom has been taken apart and put back together with all new horizontal pieces. Not a refurbishing, per se, but a new edition of a vintage model. My genius husband has refashioned an old 36-inch Glimåkra Ideal loom, down to 27 inches. It is still an old a vintage loom, but Swedish looms are built to last; and this little pieced-together handiwork will surely outlast me.

Glimakra Ideal with Swedish rag rug
First project on newly re-sized loom. Rag rug in progress, using cotton print fabrics. (Click picture to enlarge)

We humans have a lifespan, and at some point we start falling apart little by little. An ache here, a memory lapse there, and before you know it, we see the end of the warp coming over the back beam. How will we retain our value when we are all used up and worn out?

Our worth originates in the hands of the one who made us, not in our usefulness and ability. Our master weaver will never set us aside or abandon us when we finally become threadbare. In fact, he goes out of his way to notice those who are forgotten by everyone else. You will always be a special someone to your maker.

May you carry your years with elegance and grace.


Indirect, Irreversible, and Impossible

The easiest and shortest route isn’t always the best path out of trouble. When I want to change negative behavior, I start out trying really hard; but when my effort meets resistance, I tend to go back to old habits.

removing Texsolv heddles
Texsolv heddles, tied into groups of 50, before removing them from the shaft bars

I removed all the excess heddles left from the warp rep rug. 2,760 heddles, reduced to 274. We want to improve, making positive changes in our behavior, but are we willing to remove the heddles that supported our old ways? The heddles that once served us well are now in the way. It’s silly, but we keep some of the familiar old ways, just in case we want to go back into trouble…

In the ancient story about rescuing people from slavery in Egypt, God chose a path for the escaping Israelites that was indirect, irreversible, and impossible. God opened up the Red Sea for the people to cross, and then closed it back up. He essentially eliminated a return route to captivity. If we let him, I’m sure he’ll close off our return route, too. It may be not be the easiest path, but freedom is never easy, is it?

May you find courage to leave old ways behind for good.

(I can hardly wait until Friday to show you what I’m weaving now! Hint: It has to do with Rosepath–my favorite Scandinavian motif.)

That’s My Story and I’m Sticking to it

Everyone has a unique story. Most of us are engaged in our own narrative, watching the chapters go by. Discovering the meaning in our personal story is a lifelong pursuit. Where do I fit?… Who am I meant to be?… Do I add value anywhere?…

handwoven warp rep rug
After many hours of planning, warping, weaving, and finishing, this warp rep rug is ready to be put to use!

The colors and graphic boldness of this design won’t fit just any ol’ room. But don’t worry! This rug will be perfect for one special room, and we’ll all exclaim, This rug was made for this very place! Don’t we all hope to say that about ourselves? I was made for this… I’m in my sweet spot… My life is making a difference…

If I’m in a story, surely there is an author! When I delve into the author’s story, I end up finding where I belong. My story is being written within a much, much bigger story–one that I can base my life on. (Handweaving is one element in this current chapter of my story; and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.)

May you find your sweet spot in the bigger story.

Sing with Me

When you finish weaving a rug, you are not quite finished. It is exciting to cut it off the loom, but the new handwoven rug isn’t ready for use until you do something to secure the cut ends.

warp rep rug hem
Trimmed, folded, and pressed hems are stitched securely, and then pressed again, making a tidy, completely flat finished edge.

I stitched the hems on this rug with my trusty old Bernina, making this a rug that will last. Music is like that–it helps us stitch down important thoughts. Putting words to music makes the words last. A song preserves meaningful ideas the same way stitching secures this carefully prepared hem.

You probably have a melody in your own heart just waiting to be heard. Maybe you have an old childhood song or hymn from the past (pause right now and take a moment to remember…), or maybe it’s a song you just made up for the fun of it. Either way, let those stitched-down words come to life with singing! (Sometimes news of current events is hard to bear. It’s in times like these that we need the continuity of a true song more than ever.)

May your heart find its song today.

Neon Green Measuring Ribbon

Halfway there. Okay, is that good news (wow, already halfway there…) or discouraging news (ugh, only halfway there…)?  Where we are on the journey is important, but what matters even more is our outlook along the way.

Ribbon measures advancing warp
Measuring ribbon is pinned into place and re-pinned each time warp is advanced.

I like to mark the mid point on my measuring ribbon. The ribbon for this piece measures 72 inches, so I’m halfway at this mark. (As you can see, I’m not into boring white ribbons.) I don’t stop at the mid point, though, it’s just a marker along the way. Is there a good way to measure how far we’ve come in personal growth in our lives?

How am I doing with forgiveness? That may seem an odd ribbon to measure with, but it’s an outlook that can shape the way we live. Forgiveness means being quick to let people have do-overs. Remember when so-and-so wronged you? Forgiveness means you don’t stay in the remembering. You keep going, keep weaving, and stay on track to finish your journey well. Forgiveness is your choice.

May you find clouds disappear as you forgive someone today.