Sometimes things do not go as you hope or expect. I thought this color-and-weave effect would be more distinct. Yes, I chose low-contrast colors. I wanted the pattern to be subtle. But this may be too subtle. I have to use my imagination to see anything other than a faint checked pattern. It’s not a complaint. It’s just not how I thought it was supposed to be.

I am taking pictures from all different angles, thinking the camera lens might show more than I can see with my eye.

And, to my great surprise, there it is! The pattern I am hoping for shows up when I snap a photo of the underside. What happened? It’s all in the lighting. In this case, I need shadows to reveal the pattern in the weave.

Endure. When you walk through shadows of life, the patterns that are woven in you become evident. If you depend on the Lord’s might to walk through and endure day-by-day challenges, that same power will be with you when you walk into a major shadow and need endurance the most. In fact, it is in that shadow that the image of Christ is most clearly seen in you.
With you,
Trick of the light! I love this.
Good morning, Beth, It surprises me how much the daylight washes out the difference between the two colors.
All the best,
Amazing! Thanks for the excellent photos. That really helps understand your point, and view.
Hi Cuyler, I’m glad to hear that. I was hoping the photos would show how I see it.
It is when walking through the shadows of life we learn to see things in depth, it is almort like you experience life without a filter…it is raw, real, painful, yet beautiful at the same time… beauiful in the presense of wonder. Your pictures so well illustrate the beauty present in the shadows, as well as a great reminder not to fear the difficult times! Thank you!
Elisabeth, yes, beauty can be found in the shadows. It’s not easy to remember that when you’re going through a hard time.
Thanks for your words of wisdom,