Though small, this pocket-sized tapestry took a few months to complete. A car ride here, a coffee shop there, a move across town, and an imminent move across the state—this tiny tapestry has been in the background through it all.

The weft tails are neatly trimmed, but the back is completely exposed. I’m not weaving the tails in this time, nor covering them with a fabric backing. Just hold the tiny tapestry in your hand and feel it. Remember that all the pleasant color distinctions and pick-and-pick samples on the front side have a back side, too. True, the back doesn’t make as much sense. However, I want my friend who is receiving this to see and touch the heart of the weaving.

Steaming the tiny tapestry. 12/6 cotton warp pulls together nicely as the back of the tapestry is steamed.

This is a picture of grace. Look at the heart of the matter. We so often rely on the rules. Break a rule, and you’re condemned. But Jesus is interested in the heart. A pure heart doesn’t stand condemned. This is why the gift of his forgiveness is so wonderful. God knows the exposed messy side of our tapestry. Yet, his grace sees us as perfectly covered by Christ Jesus himself.
May your hands keep making.
Simply yours,
That made me cry. (In a good, cathartic way.) Thank you for your beautiful words.
Hi A.F., We all need a healing cry from time to time.
Thank you so much for this story of the little tapestry. It is so satisfying for us as I am sure it is for you,. Joanne
Hi Joanne, Every tapestry, every weaving has a story to tell. I’m honored that you take an interest in the stories I share.
This adds layers of meaning and gratitude to the little tapestry! Grateful! Blessed!
Hi Wende, I’m blessed by your friendship.