Warped for Good is ten years old today! To celebrate I offer you some stats and thoughts and thank you’s.
Number of years: 10
I started this blog when I was still new to weaving. This is a learning journey, and you have been learning with me. THANK YOU!

Number of email subscribers: 1000
I started with a handful of friends (about 8 or 10) and a few curious family members. I’m incredibly grateful to those first few who allowed me to test my writing skills on them! I am more than astonished that many, many people trust me to bring them news of what’s happening on my looms. I count all of you as friends, and I am so thankful to have you come sit in my studio with me!

Number of blog posts: 781
Some of you remember when I posted twice a week. When Steve retired four years ago, I slowed down to one post a week.

Number of floor looms: 5
Warped for Good started with one 120cm Glimåkra Standard Countermarch loom. I didn’t mean to end up with five floor looms. It just happened. (We’re not counting the band loom or rigid heddle looms.) A big thank you to my friend Joanne Hall who threw open the door to floor loom weaving when I first knocked on that door.

Nickname: Miss Weave-a-lot
This is husband’s nickname for me because I weave a lot. Steve gets my heartfelt thanks for encouraging me every day.

Number of months taken off: 6
I have taken a pause for the month of July the past six years.

Number of missed posts (except for the July pauses): 0 (zero)

Most common email request: Electric Bobbin Winder parts list from Tools Day: Electric Bobbin Winder.
Thank you to Steve for making things for me. Thank you to my Warped for Good friends for every email you send me. I’m especially thrilled when you show me pictures of what you are weaving!
Most visited post: More than Meets the Eye
Very first Warped for Good post: Hidden Strength

Number of delayed meals: Too many to count (according to Steve)
Needless to say, I am thankful to have married a very patient man.

Why the name Warped for Good?
Warped for Good is a metaphor for living a purposeful life as a believer in Jesus. God is the Grand Weaver who warps the loom. My life is the warp. Jesus Christ is the good. The weft is the daily living that aligns with the Master’s plan. Interacting with people, making friends, and sharing interests are all part of that plan. I’m truly grateful to my Grand Weaver for all the friends I’ve gained through this humble home of Warped for Good.

May you mark your milestones.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Warped for Good emails are ending today. Please bookmark this site so you can come right here and enjoy this weaving journey with me. Think about setting a reminder for yourself to come and see what’s happening on these looms. See you soon!
Warped for good,
Congratulations on your milestone! I had one at the end of November when I closed the shop – more time for weaving now!
Hi Debbie! I’ll never forget the day we met on the steps of Vavstuga. You knew who I was because I was wearing the handwoven cap I had posted on Warped for Good! Fond memories, friend!
Happy birthday!
And thank YOU ! For sharing your weaving journey with us, your knowledge and your kindness. I will certainly continue to come to that happy place 😉
Ps your figs are lovely !
Hi Magali, It is such a pleasure to have you joining me here.
Thank you,
Reminder set! I wish you well!
Hi Beth, Thank you so much!
10 years is a long time. Thanks for the beauty, life, encouragement and practical words of wisdom for weaving and life! We are grateful. God will continue to guide you and weave His beautiful tapestry in and through your life. Blessings! Wende
Hey Wende, what a treat to hear from one of those first few who encouraged me to start this endeavor and listened to me. You are a faithful friend!
As always, delighted to see the email reminder this morning, though today it’s bittersweet. Thank you for sharing these 10 years faithfully with us, and thank you for sharing your Faith so beautifully. Reminder set to drop in to see what’s new on your looms and new in your beautiful journey through life. May you enjoy many, many blessings!
Mary Margaret, You have a way with words. Again, you have touched my heart. I am so grateful to know that you will keep coming back. I’ll try to make it worth your while.
Good morning, dearest friend! You have been a tremendous gift to so very many of us. Your journey is one to be admired…learning along the path and sharing the successes and failures with you…well…this journey has made my life more meaningful. You and Joanne are wonderful in all that you do…sharing and caring…both of you…faithfully.
This isn’t the end. It is merely a celebration of a decade well lived. Please, please never forget…YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!
Hi Dear Charlotte, You are correct — this is not the end. In fact, I think in a way this is a new beginning. I’m looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds in the Master Weaver’s hands.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, have used so many of your techniques. Blessings for your next chapter.
Thank you, Gayle! It makes me so glad to know you have found useful things at Warped for Good. That makes this journey that much more meaningful for me!
Thank you so much,
Happy anniversary. Thanks for letting me come along for the trip.
Nannette, You are long-term blessing to me!
Thank you so much for sharing your journey, your warps, your projects and your talent. I look forward to seeing what you are doing next and next and next. You have helped so many with your explorations and your stories. Be well and keep exploring. Joaanne
Joanne, your thoughtfulness sets you apart. Thank you for investing treasures from your wealth of experience with me. I do have those next and next and next projects lined up… So glad you’re interested.
Your friend,
What a blessing you are and have been. Reminder is set, I too have used many of your weaving instructions and treasures. Love being on your weaving and spiritual journeys. Thank you from the bottom of my woven heart.
Hi Linda, Our woven hearts are knitted together. 🙂 Thank you for your richly encouraging words. I have long been thankful for you in this place.
Your sis in Christ,
Congratulations! You were as prolific in your blogging as weaving. I came to your site late in your journey and I guarantee that I will continue to be here as I have 10 years of back-reading to do! Thank you for everything that you have done and will do, obviously you are appreciated by many.
Maureen, That’s a lot of back-reading! Your confidence in me is heartwarming.
Thank you so much!
Hi, I just found you and as much as I enjoyed the post about weaving and “butterflies “ I got to the paragraph about your faith and it brought a smile to my face. I am new to weaving by hand but have an antique floor loom I hope to restore and learn on some day.
Hi Melesia, Welcome here, and welcome to the world of weaving! Have fun restoring your antique floor loom. You have some fun adventures in front of you. Your smile makes me smile.
Happy weaving,