Bright Yellow Rug Warp?

Finally, one bright yellow tube of rug warp is coming off the shelf! Bright yellow is subdued by pairing it with tan, making a creamy neutral warp for my next set of rag rugs. I bought the tube of yellow 12/6 cotton for half price on a clearance sale a few years ago. What was I thinking? I haven’t used yellow in a rug warp before, but it looks like this is going to work.

Winding a warp on the warping reel is my kind of fun. This warp chain is ready to take to the loom.
Warp is brought to the loom in three bouts. This series of rag rugs will be an exploration of Jamtlandsdräll.

Keep an ongoing conversation with the Lord. Sometimes it takes a while for us to understand the direction he has for us. It’s like looking at that yellow tube of thread, until finally you gain the courage to take it off the shelf. Right then, you notice the tan thread. The answer has been there all along.

May you enjoy a good long conversation.

With you,

2 thoughts on “Bright Yellow Rug Warp?

  1. I love everything about this post!
    Can’t wait to see the progress of your rugs & thank you for encouraging my faith today.
    I wasn’t on your blog for quite sometime, but yesterday I was at a my weaving guild meeting in NJ & was so encouraged by seeing everyone’s show & tell….I was motivated to do something I’ve always wanted to do….but have been side tracked with other fun projects. Believe it or not years ago I purchased one of your rosepath rugs on Etsy and as I stood on it in front of my kitchen sink this morning, thought today’s the day to Google rag rugs & make a plan. My search took me to “Handwoven” Mar/Apr 2017!! That right your project “Swedish Rosepath Rag Rug” watched some of your videos & am going to do this pattern…..,as soon as I weave the last lace scarf off my loom

    1. Hi Sandy, You have sure warmed my heart with your descriptive comment! I’m thrilled to be a part of your weaving journey. I am super happy to hear from someone who has one of my rosepath rag rugs in her kitchen! (For the Handwoven project be sure to check out my notes in the “Rag Rug Tips” at the top of this webpage, and note the differences for a jack loom versus countermarch loom.) For the bright yellow rug warp project, stay tuned. That warp is going to be set aside temporarily because my husband and I decided I need to weave some curtains for our bathroom. I’ll write about it soon!

      Thanks for giving me a great big smile on my birthday! 🙂

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