A Very Wide Warp? Go For It!

The weaving width of my Glimåkra Standard loom is 47 inches (120 cm). This alpaca/Tencel throw is 45 inches (114 cm) wide in the reed. I am using my loom’s width to its full capacity! That’s exciting and frightening at the same time. This big reach is a stellar accomplishment for a 5′ 1″ (155 cm) gal like me. In more substantial matters, I would rather play it safe than face something too big to handle. You, too?

Alpaca/Tencel warp tied-on, with leveling string, full width of 120cm Glimåkra Standard.
675 ends of alpaca/Tencel yarn, with 15 EPI (ends per inch), tied in one-inch increments to the front tie-on bar. The leveling string makes it possible to begin weaving the sample with the very first pick.

It is easy to fail when throwing a shuttle across a wide warp. The shuttle stops short, takes a nosedive in the middle, or flies to the floor on the other side. But persistence wins in the end. Have you seen how an offense creates a gap between people? Forgiveness bridges that gap. The widest gaps are the hardest ones to face, but forgiveness is still the bridge. It is worth the risk, and it is worth the failed attempts. Your hand must let go of the shuttle–therein is the risk and the reward.

Forgiveness, widely extended, enables us to live at our full capacity. Be brave and face something bigger than yourself. With perseverance, you’ll see the shuttle make it all the way across.

May you forgive as one who has been forgiven.

Going deeper and wider,

A Different Kind of Band Music

The musician in me sees this band loom as another stringed instrument! My left hand passes the shuttle back and forth. My feet change the sheds by stepping on the treadles. My right hand beats in the weft with the band knife. PassTugStep— whack-Whack. OneTwoThree— and-Four. The two treadles operate with a simple pulley system, so they are always in sync with each other, keeping this instrument moving. Like the treadles, grace and peace are two elements that operate together to create harmony in our lives.

Colorful band woven on two-treadle band loom.
Doubled thick threads make a raised pink dot down the center of the band. Variegated threads combined with solid colors create a gradually changing color palette in the background threads.

We all long for grace and peace, don’t we? Grace, meaning forgiveness when we mess up; and peace, meaning freedom from anxiety. Why, then, do we avoid grace, thinking we should just try harder not to mess up? And we attempt to create peace by filling our longing with things that will not satisfy.

When grace and peace from our creator have their place in our lives, we experience the sweet harmony of the soul. Satisfied, with his grace and peace wrapped around us like an exquisite shawl, we stand ready for the music of the day.

May grace and peace from our creator envelop you.

Making music,

Neon Green Measuring Ribbon

Halfway there. Okay, is that good news (wow, already halfway there…) or discouraging news (ugh, only halfway there…)?  Where we are on the journey is important, but what matters even more is our outlook along the way.

Ribbon measures advancing warp
Measuring ribbon is pinned into place and re-pinned each time warp is advanced.

I like to mark the mid point on my measuring ribbon. The ribbon for this piece measures 72 inches, so I’m halfway at this mark. (As you can see, I’m not into boring white ribbons.) I don’t stop at the mid point, though, it’s just a marker along the way. Is there a good way to measure how far we’ve come in personal growth in our lives?

How am I doing with forgiveness? That may seem an odd ribbon to measure with, but it’s an outlook that can shape the way we live. Forgiveness means being quick to let people have do-overs. Remember when so-and-so wronged you? Forgiveness means you don’t stay in the remembering. You keep going, keep weaving, and stay on track to finish your journey well. Forgiveness is your choice.

May you find clouds disappear as you forgive someone today.