Process Review: Combination Drawloom as a Playground

Aside from the two taildragger banners, the sign for our guest powder room, and the Christmas snowflake hanging, these are test pieces and samples. The combination drawloom is a playground for design ideas. Test pieces and samples are not meant for display. I do want them to be seen on occasion, however. (See Time Lapse: Windmill and Taildragger on the Drawloom.)

Drawloom sign for the powder room.
This is a sign to hang in our guest powder room near a stack of handwoven hand towels.
Shaft drawloom snowflakes/stars.
Snowflakes on the drawloom.

In the September, 2004 issue of Complex Weavers Journal, Jette Vandermeiden wrote about weaving small serviettes to place between her good dishes so they don’t scratch each other. That sparked the idea for me to use my learning experience with the Myrehed combination drawloom attachment to make these small pieces of cloth. The various designs will bring delight as they are uncovered, one by one, when we set the table in our home with the good dishes.

Fun with the Myrehed combo drawloom.
Drawloom playground results using the Myrehed combination attachment.

Enjoy this review of the process of setting up and weaving on this playground.

May you have not-so-hidden treasures in your home.

Cheerful Weaving,

10 thoughts on “Process Review: Combination Drawloom as a Playground

  1. Karen,
    Your wonderful weaving aside. I had not considered a powder room banner for hand towel use.

    So much eye candy. What a sweet surprise to find beneath a serving plate!

    After around a year… Weaving is happening on site! What a joy! Rag rugs.

    I’ve been able to apply what you’ve shared in my project. The fundamentals of going from warp on a tube to warp on a loom has lead to a much better result.

    Later, on this tie up I want to try laid in and twisted filler. Watching your video reminded me to graph out the design and run a sample.

    Thank you for sharing.

    PS.. 1st world problem…. We are now in a que to get star link. ( reliable internet for above 45° in beta testing)
    That should return my access to post on my blog spot account.

    1. Hi Nannette, I’ve been on a quest to find the right wording that will encourage guests to actually use the handwoven towels. I’m hoping this will do it!

      Like Jette mentioned in her article in Complex Weavers Journal, maybe grandchildren and great-grandchildren will someday find hidden fabric gems between the dishes.

      Hooray on getting rag rugs on your loom. What a great project!

      Happy weaving,

    1. Hi Maria, I’m glad you like the boots! It was fun putting a little country flair into the fabric.

      We weathered the storm. Now, we are fixing pipes and fixtures that didn’t quite make it, but nothing major. The Lord certainly carried us through the most difficult times!

      Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Emily, I think you should come out and see our Lost Valley home in person. You are welcome any time!

      Thanks so much,

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