Our family celebrated a birth-day last week. Meet baby Isaac, our ninth grandchild! Also, this week, I am finishing up the pictorial scene of another celebrated birth-day. Each appliqué piece is stitched to the background, using various threads, needles, and simple embroidery stitches to help convey the details of this humble historical event.

Many firsts are represented in these handwoven scraps. My first floor loom project, first handwoven curtains, first 8-shaft weave, first linen warp, first drawloom piece, etc. There are some special family memories here, too—wedding gifts, baby wrap, housewarming… Humble beginnings and handwoven treasures generated by love.

Birth is a picture of the fullness of God’s grace. The birth of our ninth grandchild is as glorious as the birth of the first. Each new child brings yet-unwrapped gifts. The birth of baby Jesus is a picture of the fullness of God’s grace brought within reach of all. His humble beginnings, with manger bed and young parents, animals and stars watching—all so wondrous to ponder. Christ Jesus came into the world, to be wrapped in scraps of cloth! We are still unwrapping the gifts he brought to us from heaven—forgiveness, peace, and enduring joy. God with us, Immanuel.

May your home be filled with heavenly treasures.
Christmas blessings,
An awesome accomplishment! A special keepsake! And congratulations on the arrival of this precious boy, Isaac! So glad he is here and well! May he have a long and blessed life! Merry Christmas to you and all you do to bless others, in His Holy name! 🙂
Hi Joyce, Thank you! The Christmas tree skirt will be a favorite item to pull out year after year. And Isaac will be well loved!
Merry Christmas,
Beautiful, Karen! Congratulations on the arrival of Isaac! Have a happy, healthy, peaceful Christmas!
Hi Beth, Thank you for your warm thoughts!
You, too, have a fulfilling Christmas,
Yes-congratulations on the birth of Isaac. Every child is a gift & blessing bestowed by God.
Your Christmas tree skirt is not only a work of art but also a labor of memories, effort & love. To be treasured every year as it is brought out for use. So wonderful versus just throwing precious scraps away! Each represents so much more than just a piece of fabric. God’s blessing upon your family as we celebrate Christ’s birth!
Hi Annette, I agree that Isaac is a beautiful gift from the Lord.
Yes, this Christmas tree skirt is filled with dreams and memories. I think it will become a family treasure.
Christ-mas blessings,
Oh my goodness. What a beautiful baby boy! The things Isaac will experience in his life is beyond anyone’s imagination. And born just before Christmas. How extra special.
(The technology to be able to connect online directly does not exist at our new home. A way that includes connecting my cell phone to a TV does.)
The tree skirt is more beautiful than I had imagined when it was blown up on the tv screen. The stitches used to attach the applique pieces were so even. Not one thread of the scrap fabric pieces had wiggled itself loose. Well done!
May the child of the manager continue to guide our hands and lives.
Hi Nannette, It took many hours to do all the embroidery stitches. I improved over time, but some stitches look pretty uneven to me. But I decided that even the imperfect stitching adds to the humble effect overall of being handmade. I’m glad you like it.
Yes, Isaac is adorable. 🙂
Thanks for your sweet kindness,
A precious blessing, your new grandson Isaac! And a beautiful, woven nativity surrounding your tree. “From the manger to the cross…I will lift Your name on high.”
Indeed, a time to celebrate God’s indescribable Gift, Jesus, and all His coming means to us. So glad I peaked in today, Karen. A beautiful grandson, beautiful nativity, and beautiful thoughts! Merry Christmas to you & yours!
Hi Bev, Thanks so much for leaving a kind word.
Merry Christmas to you and your family,
Beautiful grandson, beautiful nativity. God bless you and your family.
Hi Linda, We are blessed and thankful.
Merry Christmas,
Many congratulations on the safe arrival of baby Isaac, he’s beautiful, as is your Nativity cloth. God Jul, Karen, and may 2021 bring you only pleasant surprises.
Hi Joanna, Thank you! I look forward to all the pleasant surprises of 2021.
God Jul,
What an adorable baby. Whose baby? The tree skirt is gorgeous.
Hi Cynthia, Isaac is Daniel and Lindsay’s new son. I’m glad you like the Christmas tree skirt. It’s nice to see it under the tree.
Merry Christmas,
Congratulations on the arrival of precious little Isaac, what a blessing! Nine grandkids
And your tree skirt is beautiful, not only the impeccable craftsmanship and how beautifully it drapes under the tree, but also the idea that sparked the creation of it. It’s heartwarming to see how you build on old traditions!
God Jul from Elisabeth
Dear Elisabeth, You know how to touch my heart. Precious little Isaac is a gift to our family. Thank you for your compliments on the tree skirt. That means a lot! And building on old traditions make sense when those traditions were started out of love.
God Jul,
My “hearts” went missing after “Nine Grandkids”, I meant to include some love there. ❤️
What a great idea!! Love both the manger scene on the tree skirt and the runner on the table. Congrats on #9. Grandchildren are such a blessing. Merry Christmas!
Hi Linda, I’ve loved Christ-child manger scenes since I was a little girl. Thank you for noticing the monksbelt runner on the table. It remains my favorite handwoven piece of all time.
I agree, grandchildren are a blessing.
Merry Christmas,
Karen, Merry Christmas to you and yours. What a lovely tree skirt. AND grandson! Both are living treasures. Several years ago I crocheted my current tree skirt in white with variegated green yarn trim. We have a nativity set ( bought when we were first married, 48 years now). I’ve had to do some adjusting due to two children who are now in their mid-fifties. We set it up either on the tree skirt or on an end table. Still a joy to behold. We have six adult grandkids, mostly in their twenties. It has been my joy to make them ornaments for my gift to them every Christmas since they were born, except one in 2018 when I was in Bible college. Well, I think this is long enough. I treasure your gifts and your love for our Lord. Blessings, Linda
Hi Linda, It is wonderful to have treasures that have special meaning. Those family traditions carry a lot of value. It sounds like you have built some lovely memories in your family’s history.
In Christ,