Welcome back into my studio. I have been weaving, finishing, winding warps, and dressing looms. And spending time with friends. What better way to enjoy friends than to go on a floor-loom-weaving expedition together? Weaving Extravaganza at Homestead Fiber Crafts in Waco, Texas is the getaway. The looms are dressed and ready for us when we arrive. Abilities and experience are irrelevant. Anyone can do this!
From the projects available, I choose to weave a textured shawl. Keleen, a rigid heddle weaver (sitting at a floor loom this time), chooses to make fabric for an apron with a monksbelt border. Jan, who has never touched a loom until now, weaves natural-colored-cotton dish towels. Four hours pass in a flash, with weaving and camaraderie. We each complete our handwoven cloth. After returning home our fabrics are washed and finished, ready for use. My shimmering shawl is just right for a cool evening. Keleen’s fabric is soon to become an heirloom apron. And Jan’s first handwoven towels are drying dishes. Success!

Abilities and experience come in all shapes and sizes. Anyone who wants to learn, can. Your heart goes in the direction you turn it. The Lord sees your heart. He’s not looking for ability or experience. He reaches the heart that is turned toward him. That’s where his grace comes to life.
May you have true friends.
Your friend,
What fun!! Weaving can be so isolating/ nice to share it with friends!
Hi Maria, Yes, it is really nice to share such a fun activity with friends!
Oh my goodness.
Welcome back.
Hi Nannette,
Thanks! It’s good to be back.
I love the nubby texture of the shawl. The apron is beautiful and the towels classic. Great outing! And it looks like the husbands enjoyed the day as well.
Welcome back, Karen!
Hi Annie, The shawl looks and feels just right, and the apron and towels are impressive. The husbands had a good time, too!
That was such a wonderful combination of fun and productivity. I’m ready to go back!
Hi Keleen! It sounds like you enjoyed it as much as I did. Certainly, let’s go back!
Your day looks so much like my weekly sessions at my studio where a group of friends come to weave together, have a planned pot-luck meal together and weave some more in the afternoon. Everyone tends to help each other with the warping and any weaving difficulties. Quite often we pick a project as a group and put enough warp on for everyone. It’s fun to rotate looms, since I have so many different kinds and sizes. They are starting to venture onto the big multi-shaft counterbalance loom and the Cranbrook and Glimakra Countermarche looms now. I love seeing how quickly they are growing in their knowledge and skill. I highly recommend weaving with friends!
Hi Jenny, What a wonderful set up you have to share! Just about everything is better with friends.
Beautiful weaving all around. Is it possible to know where I could buy the patterns for these projects! They are all stunning. I am a “kit girl” and not good at designing my own drafts so if patterns are available I would love to purchase
As always ,an inspiring post!! Thank. You for the motivation…..
Hi Kristin, Homestead Fiber Crafts set up all the projects. They had a great selection. I don’t know if they have kits for any of the projects, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask! Here’s the contact information – ask for Sue at Fiber Crafts. https://www.sustainlife.org/contact-us/
Lovely shawl and towels! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Linda, I’m glad you like them. We all had a great time.
Love the very cool projects! Beautiful!
Hi Ellen, The ladies at Homestead did a good job of setting up the projects. It was nice to have a good selection to choose from when we registered for the half day of weaving.