I keep wondering about the weft that I forgot to purchase for this blanket. The heddles are threaded and the reed is sleyed; everything is ready…except the weft. As it turns out, I am glad I Forgot the Weft, because now I can try different options on the actual warp before committing to one single color.

I am testing eight of the eleven warp colors, plus one more that I had in my stash. Nine colors. Think of it as nine questions. This one? This one? This one?… I am looking for weft that compliments the warp all the way across, showing off the warp gradation that spans both layers of the double weave. When the weft is woven in, rather than just held up for comparison, I find the answer unfolding before my eyes.

Questions are good. Be ready to ask genuine questions about life. Genuine, like weaving the threads, rather than simply laying threads on the surface for consideration. The Lord specifically answers a seeking heart. In this journey of discovery, the answers unfold. Those looking for truth will find it.
Which weft color would you choose (last picture, options 1 – 9, left to right)? The weft is doubled, so you can choose one color, or two colors combined. (I will reveal my choice later. The yarn arrived today!)
Leave your answer in the comments.
May you be asked good questions.
I would choose 8. Can’t wait to see it unfold.
You have 8 choices of a doubled weft. But, really you have many more.
You have 8 single colors to be combined with the other 8 single colors
This is just the tip of the ice. You have magic at your finger tips.
The fact that you have color rotation in the warp just adds to the adventure.
I know that you are excited about weaving these blankets. I think you
need to do a finish sample as you weft may be a packed a little to tight for
the wool to bloom.
Just a thought.
Can’t wait to see the final results.
Marie, you are right about it being magic. Yes, combining colors gives many more options!
Thank you for suggesting that I do a finish sample. I have been debating about doing that. I hesitated because I know my warp length is barely long enough for two blankets and I didn’t want to lose any more length. I measured my picks per inch, and you are right, it’s packed in too tightly. The other thing is, I want to see what happens to the fold – I don’t know if I am leaving enough (or too much) weft at the fold selvedge for it to lay open nicely. You have talked me into it. I will do a finish sample. THANK YOU!!
Maybe I can make the fringes just a little bit shorter to make up for it.
Choosing is agony. For a “soothing and warm” colored blanket I’d go with a color harmony rather than contrast. So, for me, the salmon (3), gold (4) or red (9) look best, given the complexity of the warp.
Having said that, I see another blanket crying out to be made using your cerulean (1) and lapis (8) blues, on a gold or neutral warp, with yellow accents for “spice”.
Show us pictures soon!
Hi, Sanni,
I appreciate your intelligent answer! Part of the challenge is that the other layer of the double weave has more of the cool colors – blues, teal, burgundy. It is fun to think of all the possibilities!
I hope you have patience. I have decided to cut off the sample, to see how it behaves with wet finishing, before I proceed with the blanket. AND, there are some other projects I must attend to before going forward with this one. Don’t worry, though, I will show pics as this blanket project progresses.
Thinking of the tortoise and the hare – “I may be slow, but I’m sure.”
If I remember correctly I/we ,other weavers I know, actually slay the folded edge by half. If the warp is slayed 4/dent then at the folded side,(for at least one dent, but preferably 3 dents) do 2/dent. this allows for draw in on the fold. When the blanket if fulled, washed, the fold blends in better and no one knows it’s there. Are you going to try to use a spreader? if so I have no Knowledge of how to help keep an edge I had to learn to throw the shuttle from the Right, grab the Right side give it a slight tug, release the peddle and beat once.Repeat from the left. It takes a little practice, but edges are usually really good. Of course there are exceptions…. LINEN and those nubs! Have fun…..love, peace and Joy, linda
Good memory! I did sley the folded edge by half. It is 2 ends/dent. I am watching that side carefully with every throw. I think it is working out well.
I am using a stretcher (temple). That is how I have been taught, so I am comfortable with it, and it helps me get consistent selvedges.
I enjoy hearing how other weavers get results, too. I’m always learning!
Thanks for sharing,