Hold That Twist

Have you tried twisting fringe on the loom? I haven’t done it before now. You will find out with me how well this works, because I will show it to you when the blanket is woven and cut from the loom. A doubled warp thread runs through the fringe lineup, holding the twists in place. It is an amusing sight to see these yarn “toy soldiers” all lined up in color order. I know this should work. I know a lot of things; but my knowledge isn’t always as important as I think it is.

Blanket fringe is twisted on the loom.
Upper and lower layers of a double-width blanket are seen in the twisted fringes. Care was taken to not weave the two layers together accidentally.

More important than what you know is who knows you. Everyone longs to be known. We want someone to know we are not just one of many in a lineup of nameless toy soldiers. God knows those who love him. He satisfies our desire to be known. And that reminds me that I really don’t know everything.

May you successfully try something new.

Happy Christmas,

Just What I Need

Yay! Another Swedish-style rag rug completed. Oh, there is nothing like the satisfaction of completion and the pleasure of seeing finished work being used. I am almost out of floor space, though. The handwoven rugs are taking over all the floors in my house. How much is enough? How do you know when you have crossed the line into excess?

Handwoven rosepath rag rug for Christmas.
A few of my favorite things: Rosepath, rag rug, little red rocking chair, Christmas pinecone. The rug is 24.5 x 45.5 inches (62 x 116 cm).

Between the extremes of poverty and wealth there is a middle ground of having just enough. That is where I want to be. With riches, we are in danger of patting ourselves on the back and saying, Who needs God? With poverty, it is hard to see any way out; and some say, Where is God?

Rosepath Rag Rug detail
Characteristic rosepath design sets off the simple colors of the rug. Single black stripe outlines blue areas for depth.

Between lack and excess, there is a sweet spot of perfect trust in our creator. Hungry enough to want his food, and satisfied enough to have a grateful heart. Give me just what I need, please–no more, no less.

(I am pondering opening an Etsy shop to sell my handwoven goods. This rug would be one of the first items. Do you have experience with Etsy, as a seller or as a buyer? I’d love to hear about your experience, and any advice you have to offer.)

May you find your sweet spot.

Your friend,

Always in Reach

A long strap on this thread cutter enables me to wear it around my neck. I used a long inkle band for the strap and a short narrow woven band for a connecting loop. This makes the thread cutter very handy; it is always in reach. I can’t drop it or misplace it.

Inkle and band loom woven bands put to use as strap for thread cutter.
Inkle band, woven with variegated crochet cotton thread. Narrow band woven on band loom forms the connecting loop.

Today I’m thinking about what it takes to be truly satisfied. If I am thirsty, a drink of water will satisfy me. But do I pay attention to the thirst that is deeper within? Inner thirst is satisfied with living water. Our creator is the source of living water and invites us to drink freely. Available, near by, accessible.

May you enjoy a nice, cool drink of refreshing water.
