What Does Your Tapestry Look Like?

Little things add up, especially when they continue day after day. Nearing completion, the tapestry diary I started on January 1st only has a few days, and not a lot of warp, left. The things we do consistently, little by little, make the biggest difference overall. (You can see the start of this tapestry in Tapestry Diary: Day One.)

Small tapestry diary. Karen Isenhower
Small tapestry is an accumulation of little rectangular sections woven day by day. Photo credit Steve Isenhower

Tapestry diary means I weave a small section every day. It has become my habit to sit down with my loom and my little selection of yarn in the evening, after supper is cleaned up. This is becoming a treasured wind-down time for me, something I look forward to. And when I finish my little section, Steve says, “Let me see what you added today.” Ah, sweet encouragement becomes motivation.

You and I have the amazing ability to impact other people for the better. It’s the little by little that makes the biggest difference. Your friends need you. Your prayer and touch may be what they need to soar in life. We need each other. What a wonderful world we live in, where our Creator designed us to thrive through the kindness of others. Imagine the tapestry He is creating with our little caring efforts.

May you weave a tapestry of kindness.

If you have woven, or are weaving, a tapestry diary, I’d love to hear about it!

Day by day,

Quiet Friday: Wool Blanket Finishing

As wonderful as it is to weave two wool double width blankets, the truth is, they are not finished until they are finished. The thrill of completion comes when you finally sew your “Handwoven by” label on the woven accomplishment. But, for me, just as great is the joy of sharing what I made, and how I made it, with friends like you.

I have divided the finishing process for this blanket into four segments. Steve and I created little videos to take you along with me through each step.

Very end of the warp.
Woven as far as possible, and then cut off. Careful planning is needed to be able to weave the header following the 25cm of warp that is kept empty for twisting the fringes.
  • The next video segment covers everything that happens before wet finishing.
Woven wool blanket ready for wet finishing.
Woven blanket ready for wet finishing.

Please return next week to continue the Wool Blanket Finishing video series with me. The two remaining segments are about wet finishing and final finishing.

May you enjoy the thrill of completion.

Happy weaving,

Beautiful to the Last Inch

This blanket won’t be as long as I wanted it to be. My sample at the beginning used more warp than I had expected. But the sample was necessary. I will squeeze out the last possible inch, throwing (or pushing) the shuttle as far as I can. The warp will come over the back beam before I know it, and the end will be the end. (Quiet Friday: Blanket Sample Thanksgiving)

Double-width blanket no.2 on the loom.
Changing the weft color every 18 centimeters / 7 inches produces blocks of color across the warp for the first half of the blanket.

This blanket on the second half of the warp will be more colorful than the first. For the weft, I decided to use the bits of remaining wool warp yarn, combining pairs of colors, to weave blocks of color across the blanket. It is satisfying to use up the yarn, even though it feels like a risk to step away from the usual in order to be original. The remaining fragments of wool will be used at some other time, like memories that are held, and then woven into new things.

Wool warp leftovers.
All that is left of eleven colors (22 skeins) of wool warp yarn, after using it up for the blanket weft.

Make the most of life now. That means using up your best efforts. Be original. Make every day count by giving of yourself. Look carefully at the life that has been given to you, and be who God created you to be.

In loving memory of Linda Kemper, dear friend and fellow handweaver, who made the most of life here. We will miss her. Home with Jesus.

May you fully live.


Colorful Cozy Blanket and a Video

Blanket is finished! I am calling it a success. Double width, decent results in the fold, perfectly coiled fringe (twisted on the loom), and stellar colors. I wish I could do it again. Did I tell you I put on enough warp for two blankets? Wish come true!

Double width blanket, just off the loom!
First time to see the blanket opened up! All eleven colors showing off.

Weaving Details
Warp: 6/2 Tuna Wool, eleven colors
Weft: 6/2 Tuna Wool, doubled
Reed: 30/10 metric [8/in]
EPC: 6 on each layer = 12 ends altogether [EPI: 16 on each layer = 32 altogether] Total number of warp ends: 922
Warp width on the loom (1/2 of full width): 77 centimeters / 30 1/4 inches
Weave length on the loom: 220 centimeters / 86 1/2 inches + fringe

After Wet Finishing, Air Drying, and Brushing
Finished full width: 138.5 centimeters / 54 1/2 inches
Finished length: 186 centimeters / 73 1/4 inches, plus fringe, 10 centimeters / 4 inches on each end

Richly colored handwoven double width wool blanket. Karen Isenhower
Just in time for a cold winter evening. This richly colored wool blanket is cozy and warm.

Are you interested in seeing how I twisted the fringe on the loom? This Twisting Fringe on the Loom tutorial video shows you how I did it. See the finished blanket at the end of the video, too.

May you get to do more of what you love to do.

Back to the loom,

What You Can See Through the Fringe

We are so close to seeing the full width of this blanket! When I finish twisting the fringe across the bottom layer, the scissors are coming out to cut off the warp. Woo Hoo! I will still have the fringe header to secure and error floats to repair; and then, wet finishing and brushing. But the reward of a finished blanket will be worth it.

Upper layer of twisted fringe on double-width wool blanket.
Colors of the lower layer of the double-width blanket are visible through the upper layer of twisted fringe.

Looking through the fringes on the top layer gives us our first good glimpse of the colors underneath. This makes me excited to see the full expression across the double-width warp for the first time, when I unfold the blanket. I don’t think we will be disappointed, but how can we know for sure until we have seen it?

We hope for the best as we make personal resolutions toward positive changes. Asking God for help makes a difference. We see what he has already done, and we look through that and get a preview of what is ahead, knowing his faithfulness. He is able to do super abundantly more than we can ask, or even think to ask. God can do more in us than we can imagine. Imagine that!

May you face the near future with eager anticipation.
